Translation Series - Gita Bhashya - Preface

Swarna Venkateswara Swamy truthseeker123x at YAHOO.COM
Sat Aug 3 12:18:07 CDT 2002

Hari Om!

I don't know what Sri Vidyasankar is going to say on
the subject, but I have a perception which I want to
share with the group. Atma has been used in Gita in
several senses, including mind. Intellect is one
aspect of the mind. If Pandavas are the senses, they
can be compared to horses attached to a carriage and
the reins would be thoughts, which if in the hands of
a good sarathi like Sri Krishna will lead the
Jeevatma, which the chariot represents to the
destination safely. No wonder Narayana is also called
Hrishikesa (lord of the senses, pl. correct me if I am

So the allegory does seem to make sense. Pl. respond.

Hari Om

--- Srikrishna Ghadiyaram
<srikrishna_ghadiyaram at YAHOO.COM> wrote:
> Hari Om !!
> --- Vidyasankar <vsundaresan at HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:
> > July 24 2002, Wednesday, 11:45 AM, Pacific
> Standard
> > Time.
> > Posted by Vidyasankar
> >
> > This is the introductory posting for the
> translation
> > series on the
> > commentary of Shri Shankara Bhagavatpada on the
> > Bhagavad Gita.
> >
> > I had started a translation project a few years
> > earlier, but had to suspend
> > it for a long time. This is a fresh start, from
> the
> > very beginning, all over
> > again. List members may be interested in reading
> > about the background of the
> > Gita in the following archived post, which relates
> > it to the Mahabharata
> > epic in which the text is found -
> >
> >
> >
> In the above referred article, you wrote:
> "Various kinds of allegorical connections have been
> drawn from the epic
> story, by various scholars and teachers. Academic
> scholars, for example,
> see a model of the Indian social organization, based
> on the four varnas,
> represented in the qualities of the five Pandavas.
> From a more practical
> perspective, and this will be of more interest to
> readers here, the five
> Pandavas are usually said to represent the five
> senses. Krishna, the
> charioteer, is the Atman, who holds the reins and
> guides them throughout.
> Without the light of the Atman, the senses are lost,
> just as the Pandavas
> are lost without the help and guidance of Krishna. "
> How is it that you are comparing Lord Krishna to
> 'Atman' here. How can 'Atman', a non-agent,  be the
> 'Guide' ?  Also we remember 'Budhim tu sarathim
> viddhi" which equates the Partha sarathi to
> Budhi/Intellect which guides one to 'Atman'. Also,
> senses are not controlled by 'Atman'. It is under
> the
> influence of 'MIND' that the senses revel in their
> fields of activity.
> Please clarify.
> Om Namo Narayanaya !!
> Srikrishna
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