
Kiran B R kiranbr at ROCKETMAIL.COM
Mon Aug 19 03:20:14 CDT 2002

Dear Ashish,

> I hope you don't mind my writing a reply ( as per my
> understaing ) for
> this question.

Surely not! In fact, what is the use of this list if
you do not reply?!

> First, what is Physics, what is its "law" and where
> does it operate?
> Physics is nothing but an *empirical* explanation of
> the way the Universe
> operates. It is not certainly an absolute science.

Perfectly right.

> The Universe, as we may
> consider here, is Maya (Ya Ma - That which is not).
> Maya as such has no
> absolute law in itself. It is, if you will, Shakti
> of the Lord. A
> jivanmukta can do anything because he is Brahman.
> But what he does is in
> accordance to Ishwara's "plan". A jivanmukta can
> make a lamp burn with
> water. That is breaking the law of physics for you.

Yes, that is exactly what I meant by "breaking the
laws of physics". But I don't understand why you're
postulating a duality between Ishwara and Brahman. To
the Brahman, Ishwara's plan is HIS own plan. Ishwara
is nothing but HIMSELF. Then where is the question of
waiting for a divine signature on a tender?

> Laws of Physics are
> not absolute - I think this needs to be remembered.

Very true.

> How can law apply to
> that (Maya) whose existence or non-existence cannot
> be affirmed?

How can water boil and not freeze when heated? That is
how. If indeed this is all maayaa, water must freeze
when heated, and this must be shown by the jIvanmukta.
This must be shown by Krishna. This must be shown by
Sri Shankaracharya.

Otherwise an incapability remains in the jIvanmukta,
in Krishna and in Sri Shankaracharya. What
incapability? The incapability to control the material
world. This incapability is equivalent to a dualism,
which is not good for Advaita.


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