Summary (of "Question", "braHmavid=Krishna?" series of mails) (fwd)

Kiran B R kiranbr at ROCKETMAIL.COM
Tue Aug 27 16:18:22 CDT 2002

> I am still not able to understand why you brought
> this up in the first
> place. If God/Guru takes you by the hand and leads
> you to the Light and
> says now look and see the light for yourself and see
> that it is all around
> you, will you turn around and say no, I wish to see
> how far I have come
> from where I used to be?
> Not that there is anything wrong in your asking such
> a thing, but the
> difference is in perception - you think running 100
> m in 2s is conquering
> Maya, to the Brahmavit there is no such thing Maya,
> or rather, he KNOWS
> there is no Maya.

I prefer to use the word "controlling" as opposed to
"conquering" since the latter gives a feeling that
something different from oneself needs to be taken
possession of by some way or the other. Of course,
this is not the case with the braHman.

And I did not say that running 100m in 2s is
equivalent to controlling or conquering Maya
completely. What I said was - if a guy cannot run 100m
in 2s, I see an incapability in him. And as long as
any incapability exists in him (material or
spiritual), according to me, he has not attained the
braHman. And given that braHmavid=braHman, he is no
braHmavid either.

In a way, I am proposing a test for braHmavids,
requiring household items such as a stopwatch and a
Dutch-English dictionary. In the first round, I ask
them to run 100m in 2s. Only those who make it go to
the next round. In it, everyone gets a vocabulary test
in Dutch (if he's a native Dutch speaker, we'll still
see how he fares). And of course, there's a time limit
for giving the answers....I'll stop here.

What I am trying to bring about in this apparent
nonsensical argument is this - that the braHman (and
hence braHmavid) of my definition not only transcends
Maya, but also controls it. Hence, there is nothing
impossible for him in Maya. He can freeze water by
boiling, run 100m in 2s and fare 100/100 in Dutch
vocab tests among others.

(If he makes it all happen in my dream or his dream
such that nobody else sees it, I'll say "Thanks, that
was very nice, can you to do it in front of some of my
gilli-danda friends from across the street when we're
all wide awake?").

As to why he would do that, why I would want him to do
that in front of me, why he would oblige to answer
stupid tests compiled by an idiot, whether that's good
for my spiritual growth, whether I wouldn't hesitate
to ask my Guru if he could run for me, etc etc, are
terribly out of context here.

Can he, or can he not? That's the question.

If he cannot, I'm afraid he's not gone very far from
where he started, since he still has to bow down to
Maya. If on the other hand he passes through a few of
those tests, I will test his body no more. I will ask
him how he acquired those skills. If he says he
acquired those skills by way of acquiring braHmavidyA,
I will accept that he has "become" the braHman. If he
says he acquired them by mastering a vidyA which has
nothing to do with braHmavidyA, and that the
braHmavidyA package doesn't enable him to fare well in
those tests, I will immediately conclude that he
hasn't acquired braHmavidyA.


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