bhakti yoga

Subrahmanian, Sundararaman V [IT] sundararaman.v.subrahmanian at CITIGROUP.COM
Thu Jun 13 08:35:48 CDT 2002

I do NOT know if jnAna is used to indicate both the path and the act of

But certainly the word jneya is used in two senses:

jneya - jAyatE iti jneya - that which is known
jneya - jAyatE anena iti jneya - that by which <something> is known

B. Gita uses these words in both contexts.

So as an extrapolation probably we can use jnAna to mean both the process
and cognition.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephanie Stean [mailto:cerebral_rose at MAC.COM]
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: bhakti yoga

For example, jnana, is often defined as more of an intellectual knowledge.
I see the use of the word as describing a path of intellectual knowledge,
which is not what it seems Shanskara is saying.
The Knowledge that is Bhakti, is far beyond just intellectual understanding.

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