Concept of personal God and Advaita

reachhemant reachhemant at SIFY.COM
Tue May 21 03:48:12 CDT 2002

Sankara has a commentary which is the standard  for Advaitins.  Aurobindo's
interpretation is considerably different and less contrived. (according to
me) Prabhupada is hopelessly anthropomorphic in all interpretations and Isha
is no exception. Radhakrishnan was a western fellow and had not an iota of
spirituality in him whatever be his reputation as a philosopher and and
                with best wishes,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Venkataramani K." <venkataramanik at AOL.COM>
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: Concept of personal God and Advaita

> On Mon, 20 May 2002 08:53:14 -0500, Stephanie Stean
<cerebral_rose at MAC.COM>
> wrote:
> <<I would like to ask how the Isa Upanisad describes the Ultimate Supreme
> as a Personal God?  During my readings, I never interpreted it this way?
> And I'm most familiar with the commentary of S. Radhakrishnan.>>
> Thank you very much. The only commentary I have read is that of Srila
> Prabhupad of ISKCON. I also have the commentary of Sri Aurobindo, but I am
> yet to finish reading it. I have not read S.Radhakrishnan's commentary. I
> formed this conception that ISopanishad describes the Supreme as a
> God on the basis of Mantras 15 and 16. Please allow me to reproduce Srila
> Prabhupad's translation of the same:
> Mantra Fifteen:
> hiraNmayena pAtreNa
> satyasyApihitaM mukham
> tat tvaM pUSann apAvRNu
> satya dharmAya dRStaye
> Synonyms:
> hiraNmayena = by a golden effulgence; pAtreNa = by a dazzling covering;
> satyasya = of the Supreme Truth; apihitam = covered; mukham = the face;
> = that covering; tvaM = Yourself; pUSann = O sustainer; apAvRNu = kindly
> remove; satya = pure; dharmAya = unto the devotee; dRStaye = for
> Translation:
> O my Lord, sustainer of all that lives, Your real face is covered by Your
> dazzling effulgence. Kindly remove that covering and exhibit Yourself to
> Your pure devotee.
> Mantra Sixteen:
> pUSann ekarSe yama sUrya prAjApatya
> vyUha raSmIn samUha
> tejo yat te rUpam kalyANa tamaM
> tat te paSyAmi yo sAv asau puruSaH sOham asmi
> Synonyms:
> pUSann = O maintainer; ekarSe = the primeval philosopher; yama = the
> regulating principle; sUrya = the destination of the sUris (great
> devotees); prAjApatya = the well-wisher of the prajApatis (progenitors of
> mankind); vyUha = kindly remove; raSmIn = the rays; samUha = kindly
> withdraw; tejo = effulgence; yat = so that; te = Your; rUpam = form;
> kalyANa tamam = most auspicious; tat = that; te = Your; paSyAmi = I may
> see; yo = one who is; asau = like the sun; asau = that; puruSaH =
> Personality of Godhead; so = myself; aham = I; asmi = am.
> Translation:
> O my Lord, O primeval philosopher, maintainer of the universe, O
> principle, destination of the pure devotees, well-wisher of the
> of mankind, please remove the effulgence of Your transcendental rays so
> that I can see Your form of bliss. You are the eternal Supreme Personality
> of Godhead, like unto the sun, as am I.
> Kindly share your knowledge to my benefit. Which advaita acharya's
> translation of Isopanishad would you recommend?
> Thank you and regards,
> K.Venkataramani

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