ADVAITA-L Digest - 11 Sep 2002 to 12 Sep 2002 (#2002-231)

yogafarm yogafarm at WEBTV.NET
Thu Sep 12 21:59:13 CDT 2002

Namasté, Stigji and group -- many thanks for your enlightening
comments.  I should also apologize for bringing Sai Baba, Vivekananda
and Ramakrishna into the discussion, not realizing that this was
contrary to the group's rules even though, from my perception, they lead
directly back to Shankaraji.

However, I did not know Shankaracharaya in person -- at least, not in
this (illusory) lifetime -- so I have nothing else to go on for basing
my opinions.

Of course, opinions are like bowel movements: Everyone has them, to a
greater or lesser extent.  But if the only way to know Shankaraji's (or
any guru's) message is by direct discipleship, we are all in deep
trouble ... especially if we exclude all the "modern" gurus, as well.

So I wonder: If not for what the participants have learned in books,
classes, from gurus and via other types of second-hand instruction, then
how can a "discussion group" regarding a long-dead sage operate?

For none of us knows for a fact that even the most careful written
teachings of Shankaraji were not, in some manner, mistranslated along
the way.  Or misinterpreted by well-meaning interpreters.  And
completely FORGET about any oral teachings ...!

Regarding Advaitin sages who preceded Shankaracharaya, why was not Shri
Vasistha mentioned?  However, I found it interesting, Stigji, that you
dismissed Vivekananda out of hand ... oops, sorry -- didn't mean to get
back into that thread.

Fortunately, this didn't take the usual two hours to compose ... I wish
you all well and a good night!  Namasté ... Michael

Michael Blate
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