Gayatri - Info

Srikrishna Ghadiyaram srikrishna_ghadiyaram at YAHOO.COM
Fri Sep 27 11:18:23 CDT 2002

Hari Om !!

Would you please elaborate on 'vyAhritis'.

Om Namo Narayanaya !!


--- Shrinivas Gadkari <sgadkari2001 at YAHOO.COM> wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 00:13:06 -0400, Jaldhar H. Vyas
> <jaldhar at BRAINCELLS.COM> wrote:
> >> Do jana, tapa, satya pertain to gAyatrI/sAvitrI
> >> at all ? Or do these refer to some other mantra ?
> >
> >Yes they do as we practice it now.  Within the
> Vedic samhita text itself
> >(at least in Shuklayajurveda which is what I am
> familiar with) only the
> >first three are mentioned.  As well as the
> taittiriya as you noted, some
> >of the other upanishads (i.e brhadaranyaka and
> chandogya) as well as some
> >of the aranyakas mention maha as the fourth.
> >
> >But it seems like a natural evolution of thought if
> we take bhu, bhuvah,
> >and sva to mean the earth, air, and heaven and maha
> to be the source of
> >the three worlds as mentioned in the upanishad we
> know from elsewhere that
> >maha can be divided into four--ahamkara, buddhi,
> manas, and prajna or
> >chitta. Prajna (= satya) is Brahman.
> Namaste Jaldhar,
> The correspondence between the vyAhritis and the
> vedas is:
> bhU - rig veda
> bhuva - yajur veda
> sva - sAma veda
> maha - brahma veda (atharva veda)
> From this viewpoint too, remaining three are not
> clear.
> Regards
> Shrinivas

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