What is the exact meaning/significance of this?

ken knight hilken_98 at YAHOO.COM
Thu Apr 10 02:33:06 CDT 2003

--- kalyan chakravarthy <kalyan_kc at HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:
> The point I was trying to think about is whether or
> not creation is a
> conscious act of the will of the deity in the skies.
> Also, the reference to
> neither being nor non-being in the earlier hymns
> could be a pointer to mAyA.

Namaste Kalyan,

How are you interpreting mAyA in relation to the early

Although ultimately the question as to the cause of
creation is a non-question it is one we are correct to
pose. We can have no better guide than the Kena
Upanishad to help but that is a later thought as we

By the way, I am not writing because I have any
answers but because I share your interest in these

Best wishes

ken Knight

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