What is the exact meaning/significance of this?

Aniruddhan ani at EE.WASHINGTON.EDU
Wed Apr 16 23:19:29 CDT 2003


>Creation should have actually proceeded from the being(or atleast I think
>so.) This is because of the Chandogya Upanishad statement which says that
>Sat or existence was there in the beginning.(and this later gave rise to

The Taittiriya Upanishad says "asadvA idam agra AsIt. tato vai sadajAyata.
tadAtmAnaggus-svayamakuruta (or tadAtmAnam svayamakuruta)". In other words,
in the beginning only asat (non-being) was there. From there, sat (being)
was born. It (sat) created itself by itself...

How do we interpret this with respect to the Chandogya Upanishad
statement "sadeva soumya idam agra AsIt..."?


Sruti smRti purANAnAm Alayam karuNAlayam
namAmi bhagavatpAda Sam.karam lokaSam.karam

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