[Advaita-l] Response to Vidyasankar's responses.

Nomadeva Sharma nomadeva at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 10 13:23:06 CDT 2003

--- Nomadeva Sharma <nomadeva at yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Vidyasankar Sundaresan 
> <svidyasankar at hotmail.com>  wrote:

> > Vidyashankar-jI, can you pls tell me the source of
> > above concept? The reason is that BNK Sharma
> > quotes Advaitasiddhi as saying that sAkshi of
> > Advaita can err at times. Ofcourse, the conception
> > of sAkshi is

> > That seems like BNK Sharma's inference, and a
> > mistaken one at that. For

> *chomp*

> > Typical of many strawman arguments, which start

> *chomp*

> That was a 'strawman' reply. You did not mention the
> source of your idea of sAkshi-A. Secondly, it is
> evident that you do not know what or which portion
> Advaita-siddhi BNKS has quoted. Without even asking
> for the text, you proceed to prattle so much? 

Mm. BNK Sharma quotes two sets of lines from

1. sAxiNaH bhrama-pramAsAdhAraNyena
pramANAbAdhakatvAt.h | (I did not search for this one,
the next one proves the point that A-siddhi's
conception of sAkShi is quite different from Vidya's

2. chaitanyasya svarUpato doShAjanyatve.api
tadavachChedikayA avidyAvR^itterdoShajanyatvAt.h | 
tatpratiphalitachaitanyasyaiva sAxipadArthatvAt.h |

Thus sAkshi is that which is the reflection of
chaitanya in avidyAvR^itti. Does this err or not?

advaitatAtparyagrahasya cha pratyaxAdyavirodhena
pramArUpatayA doShatvAbhAvAt.h na
tajjanyamadvaitaj~nAnaM bAdhyaM |


bhramajanyatvasya viShayabAdhAprayojakatvAt.h |

Hardly the same thing as 'it knows that all this is
avidyA'. Further on,

avachChedakavR^ittyanityatvenacha __ sAxipratyakShasya
doShajanyatvokteH __ settles the matter. 


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