Vishnu and Shiva

Dr. P.K. Nair pnair at VVM.COM
Sat Mar 15 16:16:23 CST 2003

Pranam to all the learned among the several discussants.

I try to read most of your postings. I find several as intellectual
exercises and I do not see much spirituality. Will there be a return to
The term Parameshwara is used for Siva as well. In Advaita, is there a
difference between Vishnu and Siva? Aren't they the same? In Siva Sahasra
Namaavali one of the names (#638) of Siva is Padmanabha.



----- Original Message -----
From: venkata subramanian <venkat_advaita at>
Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2003 2:53 AM
Subject: Re: Vishnu and Shiva


Kindly please note that the Acharya always uses the words Ishwara
and Parameshwara to Bhagavan Narayana only.   The words are used
in the Gita Bhashya also throughout... but in places even when
referring to Vasudeva.   To Him Vasudava, Krishna, Parameshvara ,
Ishvara are all synonyms.

He NEVER allures anywhere to Rudra / Chandramouleeshwara etc.
ANYWHERE in this Bhashya.

On Sat, 15 Mar 2003 Vidyasankar wrote :
> >Why may i humbly ask
> >
> >   -The Great Sri Shankaracharya - entirely in his Prastana
> >Treya
> >uses only the word vishnu / narayana for Brahman.
> >
>That is not quite correct. The words that Sankaracharya uses most
>often are
>ISvara and parameSvara, not vishNu, not nArAyaNa, not Siva, not
>It is only in the gItA commentary that he uses the words
>nArAyaNa, vishNu
>and vAsudeva, but that is understandable, given that the gItA is
>taught by

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