"Seeds for the Soul"

Chuck Hillig chillig at JETLINK.NET
Wed Mar 19 12:43:12 CST 2003

Hi Gang,

     Well, my latest book "Seeds for the Soul," is now available to be
purchased online at:   www.trafford.com/robots/03-0207.html.    The book
is a combination of eastern nondualism, western psychology and "advice"
on living-in-the-world-in-the-light-of-"who"-we-really-are.   The linked
webpage also has a sampling of 15 pages from the book so that you have
the opportunity to taste a few of the "Seeds" first before making your
decision.  The book is already scheduled to be published in Russian
towards the end of the year.   Enjoy!

                  With Blessings,

                           Chuck Hillig  (www.blackdotpubs.com)

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