[Advaita-l] RE: Advaita-l Digest, Vol 22, Issue 8
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
svidyasankar at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 8 14:28:34 CST 2005
I have been meaning to respond to a few issues being discussed on this board
for a while. Here is a consolidated post, giving my take on all of them.
a. vajrasUcikopanishat - Ramakrishnan has already addressed this and I agree
with his post.
b. sannyAsins crossing the sea - the reality is that dharmaSAstras forbid
travel by sea to householders too, but that hasn't stopped millions of us
from living in foreign lands. The primary reason for the prohibition was
that long voyages by sea would not have allowed the strict observance of
conventions and rituals, leading to loss of caste. Air travel was unknown
when this rule was laid down. We no longer have to sit in a ship for two
months or more, to go from India to America. In very orthodox institutions
like the Advaita mathas, the expectation is that their heads should not
travel by sea. As far as sannyAsins are concerned, we should remember that
no restrictions and rules apply to the vidvat sannyAsin, one who is already
a brahmajnAnI. All the rules apply only to the vividishA sannyAsin, the one
who has renounced the world out of a desire to know brahman. On the other
hand, the vidvat sannyAsin might choose to abide by all the rules, to set an
example and to teach. When a vividishA sannyAsin graduates, so to speak,
into a vidvat sannyAsin, that is primarily that particular sannyAsin's
personal certitude and perhaps something to be endorsed by his guru. The
rest of us have no business judging it. The examples that Stig Lundgren has
mentioned are apt here. I, for one, am perfectly content that if the
Sringeri Sankaracharya deputes some sannyAsin to travel outside India, he is
making an informed decision and is not transgressing any rules.
c. brAhmaNa status by birth/conduct and women vis a vis the veda - If we
mean brAhmaNa is one who knows brahman, or strives towards it, that is not
limited by birth or gender. Note that striving towards knowing brahman also
involves the giving up of ritual karmas. If we mean that a brAhmaNa is one
who can perform or conduct ritual karmas, then the social reality for more
than two thousand years has been that it is determined by birth and gender.
The entire discussion is moot, in my opinion. To begin with, learning to
chant the veda and to perform rituals is not restricted to brAhmaNa males.
It is traditionally allowed for kshatriya and vaiSya males too. The deciding
factor is the upanayana initiation. Of course, only the brAhmaNa males
traditionally went into more detail in their learning, because the others
had other subjects to learn too. View it just as a means of codifying
division of labor in traditional society. Also bear in mind that there have
always been differences of opinion about whether a particular community was
to be considered kshatriya/vaiSya or not. Especially in south India, there
has been a false tendency to consider all non-brAhmaNa castes as SUdras.
Today, when people perfunctorily perform an upanayana the day before getting
married, it hardly gives them the right to question the hows and the whys of
the tradition. Finally, for many centuries now, other forms of initiation
have been available to all, irrespective of race, caste and gender, e.g.
SrIvidyA worship. Studying the smRti is also open to all. Those who
prohibited women and non-brAhmaNa communities from learning something like
the vishNu sahasranAma were simply wrong. Should we be worried that women
aren't taught how to perform an aSvamedha sacrifice? For that matter, how
many brAhmaNa men know how to perform it or to conduct it for another?
Initiation into a renunciatory life has also been approved by traditional
gurus for everyone, again for many centuries. For example, the Vaishya Guru
math in Haldipur in Karnataka and the Koviloor Mathalayam in Tamil Nadu have
traditionally been associated with non-brAhmaNa (by birth) communities.
Today, there are many non-Indian sannyAsins, both men and women, some of
whom will surely leave a paramparA behind them, while others will not have
any lasting impact. If we go back to referring to a brAhmaNa as one who
knows brahman, then yes, all these instances are of people becoming
brAhmaNas. However, we cannot mix that up with the social reality. In this
issue too, as with all else in advaita vedAnta, we have to learn to keep
karma separate from jnAna.
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