Animal Sacrifices (was Re: [Advaita-l] Web-sites related to advaita)
Navin Rajaram
navinr at
Tue Jan 18 10:06:13 CST 2005
Hari Om,
S Jayanarayanan wrote:
>It's a given that meat eaten as prasAdam (by a BrAhmaNa or anyone else)
>after performing an animal sacrifice following the correct Vedic
>procedure is sAttvic.
That comes as quite a surprise to me because the animal nature is linked
with Tama-guna and Raja-guna -identification per se with the body and
the senses. My understanding was that in an effort to transcend these
gross levels of identification, meat eating and/or killing of animals is
to be avoided. I guess the same might not apply to a spiritual seeker,
say in the Sahara or the North pole where vegetation is at a minimum and
meat is the main source of food.
>I was only arguing that a "minority view" exists within the Vedic
>tradition itself regarding (non)performance of animal sacrifices.
I agree..there are conflicting views on this topic. Inspite of
personally choosing to be a vegetarian, I do not know how these choices
are themselves responsible for higher moral ground. Maybe these are just
circumstantial choices of food habits.
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