[Advaita-l] Re: yoga and vedanta
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
svidyasankar at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 20 15:38:49 CDT 2005
>Well, I am not qualified enough to comment on gUdArtha dIpika as I've not
>studied that text yet...but I'd like to point out that now its been a long
>pending doubt in my mind about madhusUdana's true representation of
>*shankara saMpradAya*...This doubt triggered because of my guruji Sri
>Vidyashankara Sundaresan prabhuji's below observation : (taken from the
>Advaita-L website from post shankara advaita AchArya-s)
>// quote //
>It is also interesting to note that madhusUdana boldly differs from Sankara
>in some of his interpretations of the brahmasUtras and the gItA, although
>he salutes Sankara and sureSvara in the most reverential terms.
>// unquote//
Well, differing from Sankara and/or sureSvara on certain individual points
does not mean that an AchArya like madhusUdana sarasvatI is not a proper
representative of the sampradAya. We must remember that in the
bR^ihadAraNyaka bhAshya vArttika, even sureSvara differs from Sankara, and
explicitly so.
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