[Advaita-l] Fw: pArthiva- A year devoted to bhagavad gItA

Shankar shankar at tataelxsi.co.in
Thu Mar 31 01:53:04 CST 2005


It is a good Idea, Novices like me can aquire more knowledge . I have got
some suggestions, hope
moderators treat it as worthy.

Can we concentrate more on the chapters which
helps people as a guide to lead a life as per the
principles of GITA while he is deeply involved in
his chosen ocupation....... whatever it might be.

Also, as some suggested , it would be helpful
if the thread takes a break in between to discuss
on other texts of adviata which is read and still
to be understood by persons like me.


>Let us know your thoughts (and amendments) on the following proposal.
> Discussion on this matter will be closed on March 31st. So please send
> your comments to the list. And restrict yourself only to ONE post on
> this subject. Final decision will be made by the moderators based on
> your input.
> SUMMARY: Coming chandramAna year, pArthiva, will be devoted *only* to
> the discussion of Sankara's bhagavad gItA bhAShya.
> Key Items:
> A) No other subject, except ADMIN posts will be allowed.
> B) All subject lines should refer to a chapter and/or verse from gItA.
> C) Main focus will be on our AchArya's bhAShyam. But notes from other
> associated sub commentaries and other commentaries to explain the text
> are welcome.
> We started Advaita-L in 1996 and till this point, we have not undertaken
> a systematic or a focused discussion on this very important work.  I
> hope we can remedy this in the coming year(s).

> Ravi Mayavaram

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