[Advaita-l] Re: Question: Swadharma

Prasad Ramamurthy Kadambi kaupeenavanta at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 08:49:33 CST 2006


On 2/15/06, Dr. Yadu Moharir <ymoharir at yahoo.com> wrote:

  It appears that Abhishek does not wish to comment on this issue.  However,
to me, Is Shastra to be taken at face value as fact? or Is it the outcome as
we see it should be taken as the fact?

Well I feel that Abhishek was more *verbose* in his views. I do beleive the
dvija tag is not something to boast about or feel elite. The varnas
concentrated more on the occupation of an individual. No varna is superior
or inferior to other. I personally beleive that Manu or any other legend who
compiled the smiritis have ever thougth that one varna is superior or
inferior to the other. If non-dvija's *really* think that they have too many
restrictions from the shastras, I would humbly request all those
restrictions (which are almost punishment to dvija) thrust on a him.

Also this had made  people  unnecessarily compete with each other.  As far
as I know  Manu  too says  how  a  dvija  can be  punished  by  humilaiting
him  in  the court  of   king.

The only point what I would like to emphasise is there is no superior  or
inferior varna and everyone of them is entiled to do some and resticted with

*Sorry* could not resist to respond.


Prasad Kadambi
sada shiva samarambham Shankaracharya madhyamam !

asmadacharya paryantham vande guru paramparam !!

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