[Advaita-l] doubt on the role of shruti vAkyAs : Liberation
Murali Karamchedu
murali_m_k at msn.com
Thu May 11 12:39:41 CDT 2006
>There is no way to liberation!
I have heard such statements repeated several times, more often in
neo-vedantic/syncretic circles.
This goes against traditional teachings as I have come to understand and
observe them from my childhood. Tradition affirms that there is indeed a way
to liberation; that is why it is a puruSarthA; at least, so I've been
taught. It is a legitimate expectation to strive for, and since it is
defined to be so, there *is* a way to it. If there were no way, we will have
to admit capriciousness in the scheme of things. I don't think that mukti
has been articulated as a capricious phenomenon.
To quote sureSvAracarya:
vairAgyaM tato mumukshutvaM tatas tad upAya paryeShanaM
tatas sarva karma tat sAdhanasaMnyAsas tato yogAbhyAsas tataS cittasya
pratyakpravaNatA tatas tattvamasyAdi vAkyArtha parijnAnaM,
tato'vidyocchedaH, ***tataS ca svAtmany eva avasthAnam.***
For someone like me, I have a lifetime's job in just qualifying to get to
the first objective; so in that sense there is no way to liberation for me,
until I get there; but the hardship involved in getting there combined with
my level of immaturity in no way invalidates the existence of the 'way'.
Murali Manohar
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