[Advaita-l] advaita in one Sloka

Sundaresan, Vidyasankar (GE Infra, Water) vidyasankar.sundaresan at ge.com
Wed Dec 19 14:30:56 CST 2007

Dear Sri Werlings,

You had the nArAyaNIya Sloka transliterated as,
bhUshhAsu svarNavadvA jagati ghaTasharAvAdike mR^ittikAvat
tattve sa~ncintyamAne sphurati tadadhunApyadvitIyaM vapuste |
svapnadrashhTuH prabodhe timiralayavidhau jIrNarajjoshca yadva-
dvidyAlAbhe tathaiva sphuTamapi vikaset kR^ishhNa tasmai namaste ||

To get correct output in nAgarI script using Itrans, you will need to
make the following changes:

mR^ittikAvat ---> mR^ittikAvat.h
yadva- ---> yadvat.h 
dvidyAlAbhe ---> vidyAlAbhe (this and the previous change are for
ensuring correct breaks in four-line verse format)
vikaset ---> vikaset.h (or vikaset kR^ishhNa ---> vikasetkR^ishhNa [no
space after vikaset]).

Additionally, and this often becomes a matter of personal preference, I
would change sa~ncintyamAne to saMcintyamAne. The ...~n... will output
the palatal nasal in conjunct form, while ...M... will output it as the
anusvAra. Thus, overall, the verse should be written as

bhUshhAsu svarNavadvA jagati ghaTasharAvAdike mR^ittikAvat.h
tattve saMcintyamAne sphurati tadadhunApyadvitIyaM vapuste |
svapnadrashhTuH prabodhe timiralayavidhau jIrNarajjoshca yadvat.h
vidyAlAbhe tathaiva sphuTamapi vikasetkR^ishhNa tasmai namaste ||


ps. In translating this verse, I would take the tasmai in the last pada
as qualifying the noun vapuH in the second pada. advitIyaM vapuH te, ...
kR^ishhNa tasmai namaste - Oh Krishna, salutations to that non-dual form
of yours.

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