[Advaita-l] Discussion on Chandogya 8.6.6

srikanta at nie.ac.in srikanta at nie.ac.in
Tue Apr 29 08:35:32 CDT 2008

Wit reference to the above discussion on the above verse in
Chandogyopanishad regarding correlation with Yoga sastra,i would like to
bring to the notice of the readers that,Shankara has discussed the role of
Yoga in his Brahmasutra Bhashya.
In B.S.i.1.5.5,commenting on the sutra"ikshaterna sabdam",he says :
"na tasmat anupapannam pradhanasya sarvajnatvam.Yoginam tu cetanatvat
catvotkarsha njmittam sarvajnatvam upapannam iti anudaharanam...........
yat prasadath hi yoginamapi atitanagatavisayam pratyaksam jnanam iccanti
yogasastravidah kim vaktavyam tasya nityasiddhasya ishwarasya
srstisththicamhrtivisayam nityajnanam bhavati iti".

meaning,the yogis are endowed with superconciousness rich in satvaguna
thry are possessed with omnisience and the pradhana (in sankhya theory,ls
not an example.by whose grace the Yogis are endowed with the direct
knowledge(pratyakshajnana) of the past and future,as said by the experts
in Yogasastra,what is to be said about the knowledge of the ever present
Ishwara on the creation,sustenance and dissolution(Yoga sastra:I-29).
Again ,commenting on the sutra 'etena Yogah pratyuktah-II-2-1-3),Shankara
comments :..."sankhyaypgau hi paramapurushartha sadhanatvena loke
prakyathou,sishtaisca parigrhitau,lingena ca srautena upabrahmitau....
tat karanam sankhyayogabhipannam jnatva devam mucyate
sarvapashaihi(Sve.Up:6-13)iti.Yogamargenava nisreyasam adhigamyate
vaiddikat Atmaikatvavijnad anyat nisreyasadhanam varayati;'tameva
viditvaatimrtyumeti nanyah pantha vidyateayanaya'(sve.Up.III.8)
meaning,though the smrti texts regarding the subject of spirituality are,
many attrmpts are made to dispute the smrti texts of the Sankhya and the
Yoga.Because,it is popular that both the sankhya and the Yoga are the
means towards achieving the summumbonum.the disciplined (sishtah)also
accept them.it is also supported by the mark(linga) of the sruthithat "it
is said,realising the divine person obtained by the sankhya and the Yoga
one gets release from all bondage"(Sve.Up.6.13).But why they are
rejected?Because by the knowledge of sankhya and the Yoga without the
Vedic background one cannot obtain the ultimate good(nisreya).Because,it
is said:"knowing him alone one croses to immortality(free from
death).there is no other path whatsoever.(Sve.up.3.8).So is declared that
apart from the Vedic Self knowledge,there is no other means for the
yena tu amsena na virudhyate tena ishtameva Sankhyayogasmrtyoh savakashtvam.
Meaning,in certain aspects which is not in opposition to
Vedas,Sankhyayogasmrtis can be allowed is acceptable to us.it is said"is
not this Purusha is without attachment?"(Asango hi ayam
Purushah.Br.Up.IV.3.16),the Sankhyas have accepted the purity of the
Purusha(Atman),which is popular in the smrtis."(Brahma sutra Bhashya:207
on the
crticism of the Yoga sastra).

Bhava Shankara desika me sharanam.              N.Srikanta.

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