[Advaita-l] How to become a Hindu? comment to previous posts

Krishnadas Krishnadas at antiquebooks.com.au
Tue Aug 24 01:06:11 CDT 2010

-----Original Message-----
From: advaita-l-bounces at lists.advaita-vedanta.org
[mailto:advaita-l-bounces at lists.advaita-vedanta.org] On Behalf Of Satish
Sent: Tuesday, 24 August 2010 2:28 PM
To: A discussion group for Advaita Vedanta
Subject: Re: [Advaita-l] How to become a Hindu?

>Christianity was founded by Lord Jesus Christ and Islam by Prophet
>Before that which
>religion they belonged?

They belonged to various paths many of which resembled our own kind.

>A Christian Gentleman was fascinated by Hinduism and wanted to convert 
>to Hinduism. He was told that he need not convert. He could be in his 
>religion and try to be a better Christian and try to find Spiritual 
>Guides in his religion itself.

>The person can continue to perform rituals as per whatever religion he 
>represents (Christian, Muslim, etc.,) as long as it leads towards that 
>ultimate goal.  That is just not practical. The >suggestion amounts to 
>axing off one's own leg and it is self destructive.

Just mistranslated(or misunderstood) suggestions only belong to a trash can.
So for your own good get rid of this garbage. If you take this seriously we
would be axing off our own legs.

Whenever you take a statement from great people like HH do keep in mind that
particular suggestion was given for that person and it is not a generic

The reason for that particular suggestion could be many.. like for example..
HH might have discerned that the person was not sincerely interested and
only curious. Or maybe he came with actually a malicious**(like a few
indologists who take up Hinduism studies because they have an axe to grind)

** Like for example Sarah Caldwell who actually took initiation from a
shivAchArya not because she believed in saiddhAntika rituals ..but just to
get an inner look/perspective so that it can be shown as without substance
at a later time or to find out faults within the system and for
psycho-analyzing the people involved for academic purposes.

So HH probably looked through this Christian guy and advised him to stay
It is both naive and unwise to apply this to everyone.

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