[Advaita-l] Brahmins and Vaishnavas

Bhaskar YR bhaskar.yr at in.abb.com
Fri Jul 30 23:35:30 CDT 2010

How can they get Brahmavidya? Vidura is exception case because he had good 
samskaras from previous
births. Conclude non dvijas  not eligibile for Brahmavidya.

Hare Krishna

Janaka, a king but smruti says he is a brahma jnAni, dharmavyAdha who 
again shUdra was a jnAni, raikva, saMvarta were atyAshrami-s, Indra bhrugu 
devata-s, dhruva, mArkandeya, nachiketa etc. were brahmachAri-s, 
vAchaknavi which shankara himself accepts as jnAni-s, vAma deva who got 
knowledge in mother's womb!!  So, your exception list goes on and on!! And 
shankara also clarifies if a gruhastha get jnAnam in his ashrama, for him 
pArivrAjyaM artha siddhaM..and again shankara did not hesitate to grant 
eligibility to stree, vaishya and shUdra for the jnAnam..If you have any 
doubt in this please refer geeta bhAshya of shankara on chapter 9 verse 32 
and also sUtra bhAshya 3-4-38. 

Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!

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