[Advaita-l] avasthAtraya
Siva Senani Nori
sivasenani at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 1 20:01:45 CDT 2010
Dear Sri Werlings
In Sanskrit also I heard of a similar thesis that there are no exact synonyms
and generally, I do believe that. For instance, a tree might have so many names
like vriksha, bhUruha etc. but each has a different etymological sense (a
vriksha is what is cut, and a bhUruha is what grows on earth), which is
sometimes exploited by the clever composer and often respected by the wise
However, we should not take the etymological or inheret meaning too far. The
Sanskrit language has a fairly high place for established or rUDhi meanings. For
instance if I were to refer to my wife as paÑkajam (that born out of mud,
lotus), it is a compliment and not a slight on her family. More seriously, there
is a science of interpretation, called vAkyavicAra or pUrvamImAmsA which
categorises all vedic statements into five types (vidhi, mantra, nAmadheya,
nishedha and arthavAda); of these, vidhi itself is of four types - utpatti,
viniyoga, adhikAra and prayoga; of these the viniyoga vidhi has six pramANas
namely Sruti, linga, vAkya, prakaraNa, sthAna and samAkhya, each being
progressively weaker. The first is a direct statement given in Veda which does
not require any further explanations. The second is defined as "SabdasAmarthyam
liÑgam" and refers to the established meaning of a word. Here, we need not go
into the philosophical difference of mImAmsA and other schools, say vyAkaraNa
but recognise that mImAmsA is the most respected - including for Vedantins -
when it comes to interpretation, and that it gives preference to the established
meaning and not the etymological meaning. An usual example is the Vedic
statement which says "barhirdeva sadanam kriNomi" (O Deva, I make a seat with
barhih). Here barhih refers to any grass, but the stablished meaning is that
only kuSas are used.
So, while the three words are indeed different, to the best of my knowledge, no
separate meaning is intended.
From: Guy Werlings <werlings.guy at wanadoo.fr>
To: advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org
Sent: Mon, November 1, 2010 9:37:32 PM
Subject: [Advaita-l] avasthAtraya
Dear List Members,
namo namaH |
When it comes to avasthAtraya, I have seen the following expressions:
avasthAtraya vicAra,
avasthAtraya prakR^iyA and recently in the messages of the list,
avasthAtraya parIkShA.
Are all those expressions exact synonyms?
In French, we use to say that no word/expression is really an exact synonym of
another word/expression ant that it is always worth to try to discrimininate
between seeming synonyms.
Should be grateful for comments.
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