[Advaita-l] Adwaita and God.

srikanta srikanta at nie.ac.in
Wed Nov 3 03:52:57 CDT 2010

Dear Sunil Bhattacharjee,
The system of Yoga(Patanjali) has been discussed and critically analysed
by Shankara Bhagawathpada in his Brahmasutra bhashya and in his Upanishad
Bhashya.It is the view of the Bhagawathpada that Yoga is diferent from
Adwaita vedanta.In Patanjali Yoga it is still Dwaitha despite its
ashtangayoga marga.Adi shankara's Guru,GovindaBhagawathpada is not an
reincarnation of Patanjali.Infact,in the book written by Ramabhadra
Dixitha,Acharya Gaudapada,the grandpreceptor of Shankara was a disciple of
Patanjali,from whom Gaudapada learnt the Mahabhashya.The highest state of
Yoga is not Turiya,as you have said.In the Bhagawadgitha all the other
systems have been discussed,but it is in favour of Adwaita.
In your earlier posting you have said that Vishnu is "Shunya".this is
wrong.From "Shunya",no creation can come.Vishnusahasranama says,"Om
vishvam vishnu vashatkaram bhutha,bhavya,bhavat prabhu",which means this
Vishva is ancreation(explosion?)of Vishnu,who is in the past,present and
the future.Kathopanishath says,"Ishano Bhutha bhavyasya".We have various
statements in the vedantha which says that Vishnu is not shunya.
Buddhism which was founded by Buddha,later split into many branches.The
Hinayana believes in the existence of the world,like the dwaitins.The
mahayana,further split into various branches like,Teravada,Yogachara
vijnanavada of Vasubandhu,Dignaga,Dharmakeerthi,Sunya vada of Nagarjuna
who started the Pratityasamutpada,which he said was the real teaching of
vajrayana,Tantrik Buddhism which incorporated Hindu Gods like
Yoginis,symbols,diagrams etc.The Tibetian form of Buddhism(Lamaism)has the
chant,"Om Manipadme Hum",how did this word,"OM'entered into Buddhism?They
have also "Hayagriva worship"which is purely a Hindu worship.

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