[Advaita-l] anvaya vyatireka

Siva Senani Nori sivasenani at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 23 05:58:00 CDT 2010



I have given my responses below the relevant lines, starting with an asterisk.


From: Varadaraja Sharma <rishyasrunga at rediffmail.com>
To: advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org
Sent: Thu, September 23, 2010 3:51:14 PM
Subject: [Advaita-l] anvaya vyatireka

* As of now, I have not been introduced to a seven membered and eleven membered 
syllogism. So the five membered syllogism is what I know. On a lighter note, I 
could not get this thing about syllogism properly in my twenties (I am nearly 40 
now) in English. Now, I seem to understand tarka in Sanskrit :-).

So, if one shows that the symptom exists, and symptom and the 
sAdhya, the truth to be established, co-exist in an anvayi-vyatireki fashion, 
one has proven one's hypothesis.

Here what is referred as sadhya is, if i correctly understand, the "Udaharana"? 
i.e the case of kitchen fire & smoke taken as example for the ultimate 

* The sAdhya is contained in the hypothesis: that is, the agnimatvam of the 
mountain (fire on mountain is the truth to be established).

I would try to further understand and refresh the concept in the example given 
in Ramana maharishi episode

Thank you very much again, for refreshing my memories on logic and especially 
for the way Anvayi-vyatireki has been explained

Radhe Krishna

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Radhe Krishna

Shriman Sivasenani Nori, Radhe Krishna

Shriman, the concept has been explained in a crystal clear manner and I am 
extremely thankful to you. Decades back when I was in school studying principles 
of western logic, we were given introduction of Indian Logic also.

In any philosophical discourse, I use to come across mention of Anvaya Vyatireka 
logic.  Although what is explained was clear to me, the matter explained 
vis.a.vis Anvaya Vyatireka was elusive.

After the five steps based deduction, I find the crux of the logic is made 
crystal clear here, i.e

"First anvaya: Wherever there is smoke, there ought to be fire (as in the 
kitchen); vyatireka: where there is no fire, there ought to be no smoke (as in a 
lake or a river)"

I remember vaguely the five steps through which the inference is made was 
explained to us as "Five membered syllogism".  I vaguely again remember of seven 
membered and eleven membered syllogism. I am not sure.

A confirmation please,


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