[Advaita-l] Logical Basis of Apaureshyatva

Rajaram Venkataramani rajaramvenk at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 14:30:06 CDT 2011


I am of the opinion that veda apaureshyatva has to be defended from
logical, historical, scriptural, philosophical, scientific and relgious
perspective. The discussions on this forum and inputs from the learned
members is indeed a great help in shaping my defense. It is a detailed
topic and have completed the draft of the defense from a logical
perspective. I request the members to review this and point out
flaws as well as suggestions to improve the same.

1. All sounds, whoever or whatever makes it, are vartransformations of
the frequency of a fundamental sound. Let us call that hum as Om.
2. All words are made of sounds. So, all words are transformations of Om
3. The transformations (words) are not real because you cannot take one
entity and create many without another.
4. All words are inherent in Om because they are only unreal
transformations. An unreal entity cannot said to be existent but only its
real substratum.
5. Therefore all words are eternal because Om is eternal.
6. As the words of comnbination of sounds, the rules of combination of
sounds are also eternal.
7. As compund words are combination of words, the rules of combination of
words are also eternal.
8. As sentences are combination of compound words, the rules of sentence
formation are also eternal.
9. As knowledge is conveyed through sentences, knowledge is eternal.
10. All objects are known only because of their attributes. No one can show
that an object exists that can be known but for its attributes. So, all
objects are knowledge only. Therefore all objects (sentient knower and
insentient) are eternal because knowledge is eternal.
11. As Knower is eternal, knowledge is co-existent with Knower. Or in other
words, Veda (Knowledge)  is co-existent with Ishwara (Knower).
12. As Knowledge is eternal, its opposite Ignorance is also eternal.
13. As Ignorance is eternal and is indicated by words, it is a positive
entity like knowledge, not a mere absence of knowledge.
14. Therefore there will be sentences that communicate knowledge (Veda
Vakyas) and those that communicate ignorance (Laukika Vakyas).
15. As Ignorance is destroyed through Knowledge but not vice-versa,
Knowledge has to be a constant eternal and Ignorance is a changeful
16. Therefore a sentence is a Veda Vakya if it is eternally irrefutable.

This is the logic of nitya apaureshyatva vada of astikas with respect to
veda pramana. The above has been established only using logic and not
invoking any faith. So, any interpretation of honest intellectuals should
be consistent with the above logic.

Best Regards
Rajaram Venkataramani

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