[Advaita-l] जिज्ञासाधिकरणे वर्णकचतुष्टयम् [An essay on the First Sutra] - Part 2

V Subrahmanian v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Sat Sep 3 20:23:46 CDT 2011

> श्रीग्रुभ्यो नमः
> जिज्ञासाधिकरणे वर्णकचतुष्टयम्
> शंकरं शंकराचार्यं केशवं बादरायणम् ।
> सूत्रभाष्यकृतौ वन्दे भगवन्तौ पुनः पुनः ॥

वर्णकचतुष्टयस्य को वा अवसरः?

’अथातो ब्रह्मजिज्ञासा’ इति प्रथमसूत्रत्वादत्र
वेदान्तमीमांसाशास्त्रस्यारम्भणमेव कथं उपपद्यते इति विचार्यते ।
यतोऽनुबन्धचतुष्टयत्वेन अधिकारी, विषयः, सम्बन्धः तथा प्रयोजनम् इति चत्वारि
अंशाः प्रसिद्धाः । तेषु हि सत्सु शास्त्रारम्भमर्थवद्भवति नान्यथा इति
शास्त्रमर्यादासत्वात् तेषां सिद्धिं स्थूणानिखननन्यायेन स्थापयितुं भाष्यकारा
एव प्रथमं विषयप्रयोजनद्वयसिद्धये अध्यासस्वरूपवर्णनेन संसारलक्षणं प्रपञ्च्य
अस्ति अत्र शास्त्रस्य विषयः ब्रह्मात्मैक्यज्ञानम् तत्फलकमोक्षश्च शास्त्रस्य
प्रयोजनम् इति प्रतिज्ञापूर्वकं आहुः – एवमयमनादिरनन्तो नैसर्गिकोऽध्यासो
मिथ्याप्रत्ययरूपः कर्तृत्वभोक्तृत्वप्रवर्तकः सर्वलोकप्रत्यक्ष: ।
अस्यानर्थहेतोः प्रहाणाय आत्मैकत्वविद्याप्रतिपत्तये सर्वे वेदान्ता आरभ्यन्ते
। यथा चायमर्थः सर्वेषां वेदान्तानां तथा वयमस्यां शारीरकमीमांसायां
प्रदर्शयिष्यामः । इति ।

What is the need for the four-fold varNakam?

At the outset, when the sutra ‘athAto brahmajijnAsA’ is proposed, there
could be an objection: Where is the need for undertaking an enquiry of
Brahman? Only when the four-fold requirement of adhikAri, viShaya, sambandha
and prayojana collectively known as ‘anubandha chatuShTayam’, is identified
is there the very possibility of the study of a text teaching the enquiry
into Brahman and not otherwise.  It becomes the responsibility of the
Commentator to first justify the presence of these four at the beginning
itself.  Therefore, with a view to establish that there is the ‘vishaya’
namely ‘the knowledge of the identity of the Atman and Brahman’ and the
‘prayojana’namely ‘mokSha’, liberation, in decisive terms, the delineation
of adhyAsa, superimposition, is made by the BhAshyakAra, Sri Shankaracharya.
He proclaims at the conclusion of this delineation on adhyAsa:

// In this way there goes on this natural beginning-and-endless
superimposition, which appears in the form of wrong conception, is the cause
of individual souls appearing as agents and enjoyers (of the results of
their actions), and is observed by everyone.

With a view to freeing one's self from that wrong notion which is the cause
of all evil and attaining thereby the knowledge of the absolute unity of the
Self the study of the Vedânta-texts is begun. That all the Vedânta-texts
have the mentioned purport we shall show in this so-called *S*ârîraka-mîmâ*m

Of this Vedânta-mîmâ*m*sâ about to be explained by us the first Sûtra is as



अत्र भाष्ये अध्यासवर्णनं संसारलक्षणप्रकाशनार्थम् । प्रकाशनफलं च
कर्तृत्वाद्यनर्थहेतुः अध्यास एवेत्यवगतिसिद्धिः ।
सर्वत्राध्यासोऽधिष्ठानयाथात्म्यज्ञानादेव निवर्त्यते यतो तदज्ञानमेव तद्धेतुः
। एवं च अयमप्यध्यासः स्वस्वरूपापरोक्षज्ञानादेव निवर्त्यत इति सिद्धम्,
तदज्ञानमेव तत्कारणमिति । तादृशज्ञानं तु सर्वसंसारवर्जितशुद्धब्रह्मैव आत्मा
नान्यत् इति प्रकारकम् । इदमेव वेदान्तवाक्यमीमांसाफलम् । एवं च
ब्रह्मात्मैक्यज्ञानमस्य वेदान्तवाक्यविचारात्मकशास्त्रस्य *विषयः* ।
ज्ञानादध्याससमूलनाश एव अस्य शास्त्रविचारस्य परमं *प्रयोजनम् *।  एवं
विषयप्रयोजने अध्यासवर्णनेन साधिते भवतः । तयोस्सिद्धे सति
विषयप्रयोजनसत्त्वात् शास्त्रमारम्भणीयमिति दर्शितं भवति । इदमेव *प्रथमवर्णकम्
* ।

The First varNakam:

In the bhashyam the delineation of adhyasa is to bring out the nature of
samsara. By studying this one gains the understanding that the cause of the
ills of taking oneself to be the doer, etc. is adhyAsa, superimposition
alone.  Everywhere an error gets corrected by the knowledge of the
underlying ‘thing’, the substratum, there since the ignorance about the
knowledge of the substratum alone is the cause of the error. Here, too, the
knowledge of one’s true self, free of all accretions, as non-different from
Brahman, alone removes the error of jiva-hood since the ignorance pertaining
to the real nature of the self alone is the cause of error. Thus, this true,
error-free knowledge of the Self is the subject matter, viShaya, in this
enquiry of Brahman.  And the fruit, prayojanam, of this knowledge is the
freedom from error and liberation. In this manner the vishaya and prayojanam
become identified by the delineation of adhyAsa in the Bhashya.  Once the
two are identified there is no hindrance to the commencement of the study
pertaining to Brahman.  This explains the first varNakam.

To be continued


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