[Advaita-l] Are Buddhists dvaitins?

Srikanta Narayanaswami srikanta.narayanaswami at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 14 06:49:50 CST 2012

In the Gaudapada karikas,Gaudapada says,:Advaitam paramartho hi dvaitam tat bhedha ucayate,tesham ubhayata dvaitam,tairayam na virudhyate.
"For the disputants who hold that  Advaita(nondualism) is "paramartha"and "dvaita" is considered to be its division(bhedha),hence for them in both ways it is "dvaita",hence this will not (Advaita-the nondual state)will not contradict this."
In his "bhashya" on Brahmasutra,under the "Bauddha pareeksha"(abhavadhikranam)Shankara examines the Buddhistic point of view and finally rejects this.Similarly,in his bhashya on the Gaudapada karikas also he rejects the Buddhistic point of view.This is one more evidence to show that this two fold truths,"the vyavaharika satya" and the "paramarthika satya"has not been borrowed from Buddhism.Shankara calls the "vaisheshikas"as "ardha vainashikas"in his BSB.

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