[Advaita-l] mleccha-s not eligible to take Hinduism??

Rajaram Venkataramani rajaramvenk at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 16:03:29 CDT 2012

On Monday, July 16, 2012, kman wrote:

> So much for Advaita, you 1% ers are a digrace.to humanity. You are nothing
> less than KKK or the right wingers.
> This news group has started stinking like a pig. God save

RV: We have different propensities and abilities at birth. Genetics has
shown that though you don't care to recognise that. By not recognising
diversity, we spread a false sense of equality. We create a society where
everyone competes for every thing without even the basic right to work
leading to complete loss of peace. Women cannot stay home though most
(including Caucasian) like to do so. Why are you saying "stinking like a
pig" instead of saying "stinking like Rajaram"? I stink after a work out
and pigs that are kept well washed as pets don't stink. This generalisation
and classification on your part is a sign of intelligence. Varna system is
a categorisation based on generalisation. You cannot have a society that
has people who are pure classified as intellectuals, administrators or
leaders, business people and workers.

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