[Advaita-l] Avidya in Gaudapada and Adi Sankara's Granthas

Venkatesh Murthy vmurthy36 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 23:23:54 CDT 2012


Gaudapada has not used the word Avidya anywhere in his work. But he
has used Maya.

Mayamatramidam Dvaitam Advaitam Paramarthataha

Adi Sankara has used both Avidya and Maya in the Bhashya.


1  Why Gaudapada has not used Avidya anywhere?

2 What is the definition of Maya in Gaudapada's work?

3 What is the definition of Avidya and Maya in Adi Sankara's work?

4 What is the relation between Avidya and Maya ? Are they both same?
Some people do not agree they are same.

Gaudapada has not used Avidya but Viparyasa in one Sloka.

Anyatha Grunhataha Swapno Tatvamajanataha |
Viparyase tayoho Kshine Turiyam Padamashnute ||  GK 1-15



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