[Advaita-l] Sphota and Shabda Brahman

Ajit Gargeshwari ajit.gargeshwari at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 12:38:47 CDT 2012

MayI Please repeat my query
Can anyone please explain to me the difference between Shabda Brahman as
>per Vakyapadeeya and The concept of Brahman as per Shankara Advaita
>and What is the Background for refutation the Sphota Doctrine??
>Ajit Gargeshwari


May I request you kindly to keep the chronological order in mind, as
> otherwise many like me, may not be able to appreciate your laudable
> efforts. If I am permitted to say, to my knowledge the Brahmasutra was
> composed by Badarayana much before Panini composed the Ashtadhyayi. Then
> came Katyayana (not the Katyayana mentioned in the Mahbharata). Patanjali
> came after that and composed the Ashtadhyayi. Bhartrihari  composed the
> Vakyapadia after that and Adi Sankara wrote his bhshya on the Brahmasutra
> after the vakyapadia was composed. If you think I am wrong you can correct
> me without hesitation.
> Regards,
> Sunil KB
> ________________________________
>  From: Siva Senani Nori <sivasenani at yahoo.com>
> To: A discussion group for Advaita Vedanta <
> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org>
> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 12:17 AM
> Subject: Re: [Advaita-l] Sphota and Shabda Brahman
> Sir
> I saw your post in BVP and thought some scholars there would attempt a
> reply. I will try to post my understanding - which is a sort of
> work-in-progress in the next few weeks using material from the
> Brahmasutrabhashya, SarvadarSanasangraha and Vakapadeeyam. My initial
> impression is that many concepts of advaita, which I found difficult and
> unique, are found in the Vakyapadiya - for instance, adhyaasa and vivarta.
> Of the twenty two or so commentaries on Brahmasutrabhashya, the five other
> darSanas and the vadas fo sphota and rasa, it is only advaita vedanta and
> sphota siddhanta which share the vivartavaada. Then, I have been told by my
> teacher who taught me the PaspaSaahnika (the first chapter of Mahabhashya,
> which contains the many concepts of Vakapadiya in seed form) that
> Sabdabrahman is really one type of Brahman and that the rejection of that
> concept in the Brahmasutras is to avoid other limiting conjunctions being
> attached to Brahman. For example, one
> could propose a Rasabrahman and that is what many Aalankaarikas like
> ViSvanaatha and Jagannaatha seem to have done without stating it in so many
> words - for both of them rasaanubhuti is brahmaanandaanubhooti. So the
> rejection is to ensure that there is no multiplicity of Brahmans.
> Then, the fact remains that sphotavaada has been rejected by Acharya;
> then, we have the statement of Sir Vidyasankar that the vivartavaada, and
> the advaita, of sphotasiddhanta and advaitavedanta are different. Over the
> last few years, I found that his views are well informed and would hesitate
> to believe otherwise; however, this might be a good opportunity to study
> the issue in more detail.
> Regards
> N. Siva Senani
> >________________________________
> > From: Ajit Gargeshwari <ajit.gargeshwari at gmail.com>
> >To: advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org
> >Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 12:12 PM
> >Subject: [Advaita-l] Sphota and Shabda Brahman
> >
> >Dear Group
> >Can anyone please explain to me the difference between Shabda Brahman as
> >per Vakyapadeeya and The concept of Brahman as per Shankara Advaita
> >and What is the Background for refutation the Sphota Doctrine??
> >Regards
> >Ajit Gargeshwari
> >_______________________________________________
> >

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