[Advaita-l] Eka jiva vada and the nana jiva vada.
Srikanta Narayanaswami
srikanta.narayanaswami at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 27 06:42:53 CDT 2013
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Re: [Advaita-l] Eka jiva vada and nana jiva vada.
"A discussion group for Advaita Vedanta" <advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org>
Namaste Srikanta Sir
You are misunderstanding GK VP 7 and 8. The Purva Pakshi is saying in 7
there is a Prayojana of objects in waking. But Adi Sankara Bhashya on that
is saying 'Yasmadya Saprayojanta Drusta Annapanadinam Sa Svapne
Vipratipadyate'. The utility of waking objects is contradicted in dreams.
'Ato Manyamahe Teshamapyasattvam Svapnadrushyavad Anashankaniyam Iti' There
is no doubt the waking objects are also unreal like dream objects.
The Purva Pakshi is now bringing one more objection. He is saying in dream
there are some Apurva objects in dream like four tusk elephant and eight
arms body. The Apurva object is a special object but not seen in waking.
But Adi Sankara is saying the Apurva is only Sthani Dharma.The Apurva is
because of dream quality. But this Sthani Dharma is also Mithya only. It is
not real.He is making one statement. 'Tasmad Yatha Stanidharmanam Rajju
Sarpa Mruga Trushnikadinam Asattvam Tatha Svapnadrushyanam Api Apurvanam
Sthanidharmatvam Eva Iti Asattvam.
Adi Sankara is saying Sthani Dharma is false like a Rajju Sarpa rope snake
and mirage. The Apurva dream object is also false because it is from Sthani
Your two points are Saprayojanata in waking and Sthani Dharma. But both of
these things are false only. Finally there is no difference between waking
and dream.
If a rich man has all desired objects he may not have a good dream at
night. He may have bad dreams. Why? Because the utility of his waking
objects is not there in the dream. They cannot help him. He may have 1000
security guards. But if he is attacked in dream by armed robber the
security guards cannot save him. This is showing the utility of waking
objects is nothing. It is false.
Dear Sri Venkatesha Murthy
The waking state objects and those seen in the dreams are different.The Waking state objects are real,because they serve for some utility.If they have to be said unreal,we have to have a proof from another state.Only from the "Turiya"it is possible to say they are unreal,like the snake in the rope.Here,Gaudapada brings logic(Nyaya)as it is state in the Shankara bhashya also,that the waking state objects are like those in the dream.But,we no from daily experience they are real.From the experience like utility,they are real.we cannot diproove that they are real from the point of waking state experience.The dream state experience is unreal,because they vanish after waking up.But,the waking state experience do not vanish.The only common ground between dream and waking state is that they are also seen.Here,Gaudapada brings the question of "perception".Only from the "Turiya" state the waking state can be said to be unreal.Thie he brings at the end.
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