[Advaita-l] MuktikA Upanishad / MuktikOpanishat cited by srI VidyAraNya svAmI in PanchdaSI
Sujal Upadhyay
sujal.u at gmail.com
Wed Feb 26 23:36:50 CST 2014
Namaste Sunil ji,
Even Muktika says that Mandukya is enough. If one is not able to realize
truth, then read 10. Still if one is not able to become liberated, read 32,
for videha mukti, read 108 :)
I thought that Shringeri Math and Kanchi Math refer to 108 upanishads, but
study is optional. Emphasis is more on to study principle upanishads
commented by Sri Adi Shankara.
So now the study of minor upanishads is not at all done?
Some do not accept Muktika and say it was created in medieval times. I was
referring to someone thing in Panchdasi and was surprised to read that Sri
Vidyaranya Svami has quoted it. There are some who keep asking the
authenticity of Upanishads :)
Bhaskararaya had revived Atharvaveda and had commented on many upanishads
like Bahvarica, etc and some which are not a part of Mukita's 108. These
are available in sanskrit and I am not conversant with Sanskrit.
Hari OM
Sujal Upadhyay
"To disconnect from the self and to become Aware of anything else is
nothing but unhappiness" - Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi
He who has faith has all
He who lacks faith, lacks all
It is the faith int he name of lord that works wonders
On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 12:38 AM, Sunil Bhattacharjya <
sunil_bhattacharjya at yahoo.com> wrote:
> There you are Sujalji, Today's scholars unfortunately do not refer to the
> upanishads and generally prefer to refer to what the post-Shankara scholars
> say to supplement what Shankara said. Muktika exhorts all aspirants to read
> the 108 upanishads, out of the total of the 1008 upanishads.
> Sunil KB
> On Wednesday, February 26, 2014 8:27 AM, Sujal Upadhyay <sujal.u at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Namaste,
> Was referring PanchadaSI and found that SrI VidyAraNya svAmI has cited
> MuktikA Upanishad in his PanchdaSI. I have a Hindi Translation and
> Commentary by Swami Shankarananda of Chinmaya Mission.
> दर्शनादर्शने हित्वा स्वयं केवलरूपतः .
> य आस्ते कपिशार्दूल ब्रह्म स ब्रह्मवित्स्वयम् .. (2.64 Muktika Upanishad,
> 1.4.68 PanchdaSI - dvaita viveka)
> O Brahman! The one leaving both darSana (GYAna, knowledge) and adarSana
> (aGYAna, ignorance), abides only in Self (svarUpa), he himself is Brahman
> only, not just knower of Brahman. (Translated from Hindi, page 230, Book 1,
> Part 1)
> (In other words, Knower of Brahman is Brahman itself, Brahmavid Brahmaiva
> Bhavati, Mund. Up. 3.2.9). Sri Ramana Maharshi also says the same thing.
> According to Swami Shankarananda of Chinmaya Mission, who has Translated
> PancadaSI in Hindi and have commented on it says that this verse occurs in
> Yog VAsisTa too.
> SrI VidyAraNya svAmI has also cited Amrit Bindu Upanishad 1 and 18 in
> PanchdaSI 1.4.45-46.
> P. 1.4.45 = Amrit. B. Up. 1
> P. 1.4.46 = Amrit. B. Up. 18
> Swami ji (translator) says that P 1.4.45 this is the first verse of Amrit
> B. Up, but I am not I am not able to find same verse in Amrit Bindu
> Upanishad.
> Please can someone help me
> Note: PancadaSI in English (html
> <http://www.swamij.com/panchadasi.htm>,
> pdf<
> http://www.shiningworld.com/top/images/stories/pub-pdfs/Books/Panchadasi.pdf
> >),
> Hindi (archive.org<
> https://archive.org/details/Panchadasi.by.Vidyaranya.Swami.Hindi>,
> scribd<
> http://www.scribd.com/doc/79331270/Hindi-Book-Panchadasi-by-Vidyaranya-swami
> >by
> Pt. RAmAvatAra vidyAbhAskara)
> Hari
> OM
> Sujal
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