[Advaita-l] Brahman and Avidya - mutually exclusive?

Aurobind Padiyath aurobind.padiyath at gmail.com
Tue Jun 23 10:17:11 CDT 2015

Sri Venkatraghavanji,
Trying to use Avidya to remove Avidya is not possible due to Atmashraya

Vyavahara is a product of Avidya and in that the knowledge which we use is
also within that realm of Avidya only. But some say it is like using a
thorn to remove another. So when Avidya had no existence In Paramarthata,
what is the use of knowing a non existent ghost. Abhoota abhinivesham
that's it.

Because of this all Gurus at the end will say one needs Eswara anugraham
for it.


Aurobind Padiyath
On 23 Jun 2015 20:33, "Venkatraghavan S" <agnimile at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sri Aurobind,
> Then why the talk of deep sleep, dream state and waking states? Brahman is
> beyond the three states.
> The problem comes in when you speak of gyAni, sleep state etc -  all of
> these are only in the vyAvahArikA plane, not the pAramArthikA plane of
> existence. When you are in the vyAvahArikA plane of existence, you have to
>  explain the appearance of the world, the jiva and Iswara. So when
> discussing the vyAvahArikA plane, we need to correctly understand the
> nature of avidyA.
> Regards,
> Venkatraghavan
> On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 3:55 PM, Aurobind Padiyath <
> aurobind.padiyath at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sri Venkatraghavanji,
>> This is exactly what I was telling all through. Only Brahman exist. mAyA
>> or Avidya and all other names we use is only to know the unrealistic
>> existence of the same irrespective where they are located. For non existent
>> things there is no real locations too.
>> Aurobind Padiyath
>> On 23 Jun 2015 20:14, "Venkatraghavan S" <agnimile at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Sri Aurobind,
>>> >>Do you say that mAyA which has no fundamental existence has a
>>> location in Brahman?
>>> Yes, with one small change to the wording - mAyA which has no
>>> fundamental existence, *appears to exist* in Brahman.
>>>  That apparent existence is only possible because of brahman lending
>>> existence to it.
>>> Regards,
>>> Venkatraghavan
>>> On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 3:40 PM, Aurobind Padiyath <
>>> aurobind.padiyath at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Sri Venkatraghavanji,
>>>> When you say
>>>> " mAyA cannot be destroyed because it does not exist fundamentally.
>>>> That does not mean that experience of mAyA doesn't exist. mAyA and its
>>>> effects are experienced by gyAnI also, but he knows that a) mAyA does not
>>>> exist and b) He, the Brahman, is not the one apparently experiencing the
>>>> effects of mAyA. In deep sleep he doesn't experience mAyA, but it does not
>>>> mean that the kArANa sharIra is destroyed."
>>>> Do you say that mAyA which has no fundamental existence has a location
>>>> in Brahman? mAyA is like the X introduced in a mathematical equation to
>>>> know the Unknown.  So it has to have location only where the unknown need
>>>> to be located. But when the unknown is the only One and all pervading,
>>>> then? That's why it becomes mystical in expressions.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Aurobind Padiyath
>>>> On 23 Jun 2015 19:56, "Venkatraghavan S" <agnimile at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Sri Aurobind,
>>>>> There is a risk that we are debating all over the place. The topic
>>>>> under discussion is not whether mAyA has fundamental existence or not - it
>>>>> does not.  We are only debating whether avidyA and Brahman can co-exist or
>>>>> not.
>>>>> My contention is that it can and does.
>>>>> You say >> Maya or MoolAvidya or what ever we call it is not in
>>>>> Swaroopa or Brahman, both being the same, but in the
>>>>> Anthakarana thru which the Jeeva bhava is assumed.
>>>>> My point is that Brahman, being asangA, is not affected by mUlAvidya -
>>>>> so yes, mUlAvidyA is not "in" the svarUpA of Brahman, however,  you cannot
>>>>> say mUlAvidyA is not "in" Brahman. mUlAvidyA has to exist with brahman as
>>>>> its locus. Nothing else can lend apparent existence to mUlAvidyA. mUlAvidyA
>>>>> cannot have antahkaraNa as its substratum - in fact, the antahkaraNa is a
>>>>> projection of mUlAvidyA, which in turn, depends upon Brahman for its
>>>>> apparent existence.
>>>>> mUlAvidyA's apparent existence in Brahman does not affect the
>>>>> asangatvam of Brahman in any way whatsoever.
>>>>> mAyA cannot be destroyed because it does not exist fundamentally.
>>>>> That does not mean that experience of mAyA doesn't exist. mAyA and its
>>>>> effects are experienced by gyAnI also, but he knows that a) mAyA does not
>>>>> exist and b) He, the Brahman, is not the one apparently experiencing the
>>>>> effects of mAyA. In deep sleep he doesn't experience mAyA, but it does not
>>>>> mean that the kArANa sharIra is destroyed.
>>>>> All this talk of turIyam etc. are introducing elements of mysticism,
>>>>> which is not really needed for mokshA in my opinion.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Venkatraghavan
>>>>> On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Aurobind Padiyath <
>>>>> aurobind.padiyath at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Sri Venkatraghavanji,
>>>>>> Your two questions are:
>>>>>> So two questions here:
>>>>>> 1) Are you saying that mAyA or mUlAvidya is non existent in deep
>>>>>> sleep?
>>>>>> mAyA is only to him who in waking feels or experiences the effects of
>>>>>> it. In his deep sleep he doesn't have any experience (visheSha vigjnanam)
>>>>>> since his all types of sharIrA is in laya and has merged into the Turiya.
>>>>>> When that Turiya vibrates (spandanam) again, the cycle repeats. This laya
>>>>>> is in fact becoming one with IT as there is no two in reality. But what
>>>>>> happens or seems to happen, even though in reality it is not happening, is
>>>>>> the all pervading when reflects through the same sharIrA the individuality
>>>>>> appears to come back to life in the waking as Jnani or AJnani or the Jagat
>>>>>> through their respective Upadhis. These explanations of theory of mAyA etc
>>>>>> are only to make one inward and not in reality. In reality only That is
>>>>>> there. Rest are for the inquisitive mind to calm down and realise that
>>>>>> "Brahmaivedam sarvam" or "Atma vyatirekena nasti kinchit".
>>>>>> 2) Are you saying that the lack of experience of sharIrA is equal to
>>>>>> the lack of existence of the sharIrA
>>>>>> From the above you can understand that the laya is a temporary
>>>>>> absence like a wave when not seen does not mean it is absent in the ocean.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Aurobind Padiyath

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