[Advaita-l] Fwd: Difficulty with Akhandakara Vrtti
Anand Hudli
anandhudli at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 28 09:49:48 CDT 2015
In the laukika example, "This is that Devadatta", the recognition of
devadatta, once it has occurred, there is no "abiding" (constant) feeling
"this is that devadatta", just as the man who is told "you are the tenth",
will not continue to "realize" that he is the tenth person, after he has
realized just once, with the help of a passer-by (pramANa). After his
earlier agony of missing a person is destroyed by the realization, "I am
the tenth", the "realization" that he is the tenth also becomes irrelevant.
Why? There was no missing person, to begin with, and so the statement "you
are the tenth" was not really required! I think this is what the Swamiji is
alluding to when he says the BrahmajnAna from the upanishad pramANa is a
vRtti jnAna, as opposed to a svarUpajnAna. The brahmajnAna is only required
to put an end to avidyA, and not beyond that.
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