[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Why only jagat is mithya and jeeva is brahman !!??

H S Chandramouli hschandramouli at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 03:18:28 CDT 2016

Sri Aurobind Ji,

This is not to extend the discussion. But only to bringout one point. That
is  reg your observation

<< There are no two at any point of time
1. Satyam Brahman
2. MithyA Jagat >>

I beg to differ. The two are always together whenever the jagat is

Pranams and Regards

On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 10:27 AM, Aurobind Padiyath <
aurobind.padiyath at gmail.com> wrote:

> Pranams,
> There are no two at any point of time
> 1. Satyam Brahman
> 2. MithyA Jagat
> Ekatvam anu  paschyatah.
> Only and Only Satyam
> When we harp only on the nAma rUpa jagat similar to ornaments we are not
> moving forward. The obvious question that should follow is, okay that is
> the case what is that appears as nAma rUpa jagat or ornaments? At this
> point of time we move forward to the truth that SarvaM Brahma.
> Then again do not bring back the nAma rUpa.
> "Paschiyan Api na paschyati"
> With this I'm exiting from this thread.
> Hari Om!
> Aurobind
> On Wed, 27 Apr 2016 10:04 H S Chandramouli, <hschandramouli at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Sri Aurobind Ji,
>> Regarding your observation  << That's why Acharya keeps saying
>> DhyayateEva LelayateEva. The term Eva is the catch which is being missed out
>> . >>,
>> you can notice the difference between parinama and vivarta vikara in the
>> following two.  For parinama  << mrittiketyeva satyam >> while for vivarta
>> it is << sadeva idam >>. In the former it is “iti eva “ while in the latter
>> it is “ eva “ only. When “ iti eva “ is used, kAryam is real as kArana only
>> and hence both have same level of Reality. When only “ eva “ is used kArana
>> alone is Real and kArya is not real. Hence they have different levels of
>> Reality. That is what denotes  the kArya as mithya when only “ eva “ is
>> used.
>>  Pranams and Regards
>> --
> Aurobind

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