[Advaita-l] Shankara authenticates Shiva

D Gayatri dgayatrinov10 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 19 00:49:38 CDT 2016

We have already seen that the JU does not convey the supremacy of
Shiva in any way. The Shvet Up, will be taken up shortly. Shankara
never quotes any abheda verses in his authentic bhAshyas like BSB. And
in Prashna upanishad, Shankara is praising prANa (brahman) itself as
the destroyer and not Umapati. In the BSB he says that whenever words
like prana or Akasa are used as the supreme cause, they should be
taken to mean brahman and not anything else.

On 19 August 2016 at 11:16, V Subrahmanian <v.subrahmanian at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 11:09 AM, D Gayatri <dgayatrinov10 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I suddenly don't understand what is the problem when Vishnu is praised
>> >> and Shiva is shown as brahma's child when Sri Adi Shankara himself
>> >> authenticates this.
>> >
>> >
>> > Adi Shankara has never authenticated this. He has authenticated Rudra as
>> > Brahman in the Prashnopanishat.
>> By quoting the shanti parvan verses, Sri Adi Shankara authenticated
>> that. He has treated Rudra as created in BU bhAshya.
> By quoting the MB Shankara has authenticated Rudra-Narayana abheda. And the
> trimurti abheda contained in the Harivamsha too. By quoting the Shve.up and
> the Jabalopanishat Shankara has held Rudra to be Brahman in the
> Prashnopanishat. None can succeed in making Shankara and Veda Vyasa bigots.
> Only those who come from vaishnava background, as admitted by themselves,
> can attempt to do this but will utterly fail.

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