[Advaita-l] Shankara and DrishTi-SrishTi vAda - eka jeeva vaada
Venkatraghavan S
agnimile at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 10:02:05 CDT 2016
Namaste Sri Chandramouli ji,
This is what he says
आत्मसत्तातिरिक्ततया द्वैतसत्ता अभावात् - Duality has no existence apart
from Atma (page 164).
To explain why the world is tuccha he says the following:
श्रुतिस्तु "सदेव सोम्य इदमग्रासीत्", "एकमेवाद्वितीयं", "स एष नेति
नेत्यात्मा", "अथ तस्यायमादेशः अमात्रश्चतुर्थो अव्यवहार्यः प्रपञ्चोपशमः
शिवोsद्वैतः" इति एवंप्रकारिका सजातीयविजातीयस्वगतभेदशून्यमात्मानं बोधयन्ती
आत्मातिरिक्तस्य सर्वस्य तुच्छत्वमभिमन्यन्ते।
तदतिरिक्तस्य कथञचिदपि सत्त्वे अद्वैतव्याघातप्रसंगात् तस्मात् जगतस्तुच्छत्वं
श्रुत्यनुमतमेव" (Pages 177,178)
Trans - Shruti, by saying, "Existence alone existed in the beginning, my
dear", "only one, without a second", "the self is to be known as 'not
this', 'not this' ", "now, here is the instruction - the self, which is the
fourth quarter, is not an object of experience (amAtra), is beyond
vyavahAra, of the nature of the cessation of worldly experience, the
auspicious, the non dual", etc., is denying any sort of inter-species,
intra-species, or internal differences in Atma and through that, it says
that apart from the Atma, everything else is "tucCha". If there was
anything apart from that, the Atma, the idea of advaita itself would be
contradicted and hence the "tucChatva" of the world is accepted by Shruti."
It is clear from this that Sri PrakashAnanda uses tuCChatva in this context
to refer to the independent existence of anything else apart from Atma.
Here, he doesn't use the word in its traditional sense - that which doesn't
appear in any locus in any of the three periods of time.
On 11 Jun 2016 2:30 p.m., "H S Chandramouli" <hschandramouli at gmail.com>
Namaste Sri Venkatraghavan Ji,
> Reg << I don't know where he is saying creation is tuccha, >>,
> Quote from the book << न शृतिसिद्धात्मस्वरूपानुरोधेन द्वैतजातस्य सर्वस्य
> तुछ्छत्वात्
> (na zRtisiddhAtmasvarUpAnurodhena dvaitajAtasya sarvasya tuchchatvAt),
> Translation in the book << No! we reply. For in accordance with the nature
> of Self as proved in Veda, all duality is sheer non-entity. >>
> Unquote (pp 175, Sidhantamuktavali).
There are similar statements elsewhere as well.
> Reg << but I suspect he means that independent of the observer, the
> observed is tuccha.>>,
> Not clear to me. How can the “observed” be “tuccha”. In “tuccha” there is
> nothing capable of being “observed” by definition.
> Reg << On khyAti, please provide the Sanskrit quote >>,
> Quote of relevant portion as follows << न ख्यातेरध्यस्तस्वात् ……(.na
> khyAteradhyastasvAt).>>
> Unquote. (Page is 168 and not 171 as written earlier)
> Regards
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