[Advaita-l] Shankara and DrishTi-SrishTi vAda - eka jeeva vaada
H S Chandramouli
hschandramouli at gmail.com
Thu May 26 10:11:45 CDT 2016
The BS reference should read 1-4-8 and 1-4-9 instead of 1-4-5 and 1-4-6.
Regret the error.
On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 8:01 PM, H S Chandramouli <hschandramouli at gmail.com>
> Dear Sri Anand Ji,
> Namaste.
> This is in continuation to my query reg conformity of EJV with the
> bhAshya. EJV relies heavily for its concept on the ShvEtAshvatara mantra
> << ‘अजामेकां लोहितशुक्लकृष्णां बह्वीः प्रजाः सृजमानां सरूपाः । अजो ह्येको
> जुषमाणोऽनुशेते जहात्येनां भुक्तभोगामजोऽन्यः’ (श्वे. उ. ४-५) >> ( page 16
> of vedantasidhantamuktavali ) wherein at one point it states << In the
> word “ one “ plurality of jivas is denied >>.
> The same verse from ShvEtAshvatara is also commented upon specifically in
> BSB 1-4-5 and 1-4-6. I am not quoting here from the Bhashya since it can
> easily be referred to. But the bhashya as I could gather specifically
> refers to Creation and multiplicity of jivas as its meaning while
> commenting on this mantra. Is this itself not a clear indication that EJV
> is not in conformity with the bhashya. I am really not interested in a
> debate on the point, but would be quite content with just a brief, even
> yes or no type of answer. Just for my personal understanding.
> Regards
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