[Advaita-l] What is the difference between Satkaryavada of Sankhya and Vivarta vada of Advaita

Kripa Shankar kripa.shankar.0294 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 06:53:38 EST 2017


Sankhya accepts 24 tattvas in a sequential order of cause-effect. The ultimate cause of all tattvas is prakriti. Prakruti and purusha both are eternal. This Sankhya system holds the world to be real and accepts creation theory. 

However in Advaita, Gaudapada says there are no tattvas but everything is imagined in Atman. For brahman to be the upadana and nimitta karana, there has to be a karya. But when there is no creation itself, where is the question of upadana and nimitta karana? In Advaita, only brahman is real. 
As far as I understand, vivarta vada upholds ajativada. What is the difference then, between vivarta and satkaryavada? 

Kripa ‎

yo vedAdau svaraH prokto vedAnte cha pratiShThitaH |
tasya prakRRiti-lInasya yaH parassa maheshvaraH || 

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