[Advaita-l] Has Shankaracharya claimed he is Shiva incarnate?

V Subrahmanian v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Sun Jan 1 11:27:45 CST 2017

While perusing the stories pertaining to Ramanuja and Madhva we come across
instances where they have claimed themselves to be the incarnation of a
particular divine entity:



//Nammalwar instructs Madurakavigal that the vigraham is none other than
"BavishyadAchAryar" who is Adisesha avataram. There is one slokam which
explains that during:

a)Krutha yukam - he is Adiseshan
b)ThrEtha yukam - Lakshmanan avataram
c)Dwapara yukam - Balaraman avataram
d)Kali yukam - Bavishyadi avataram

During Ramanujar period, when sishyAs were reciting
this slOkam, they got doubt about who is that "bavish
yadi" which is mentioned in that slokam. Srimad
Ramanujar called upon some close sishyAs and told that
"HE is none other than the bavishyadAchAryar which is
explained in that slokam" //



//The first two *avatâra*-s are as Hanumân and Bhîmasena,

and the third is Madhva, who came down to Earth as a *sanyâsî*, in order to

avoid decimating the forces of evil (as he had done on the previous

two occasions, and as he would have done again — upsetting the flow of Kali

Yuga in the process — if he were not a *sannyâsî*). Srimad Ananda Tîrtha

himself makes the claim to being Madhva in several instances, one of which is

in the Vishnu-tattva-vinirnaya verse given on the cover page of this section.

It was recognized in his own time, and it has been documented, that he had

all two-and-thirty *shubha-lakshaNa*-s that define a *rju-tâttvika-yogî*,

including the prescribed height of six-and-ninety inches

(“*shaNNavati angulo.apetam*“) quoted in the
Mahâbhârata-Tâtparya-Nirnaya <http://www.dvaita.org/sources/mbtn>.

Is there any reference about Shankara claiming that he is Shiva or any



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