[Advaita-l] Interacting with scholars

murali hr muralihr1977 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 05:54:22 CST 2017

Dear All,

Good effort !

We have prepared a platform to map such heritage .

Currently being used to conserve the heritage of Pondicherry


We members can support us we can create a similar site that puts in all the
information including the photos and also the talk by the scholars.

I also wanted to map all the places visited by Sri Shankaracharya !



On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 4:08 AM, V Subrahmanian via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:

> Namaste
> Here is a preliminary list of scholars who can be interacted with for
> genuine questions / doubts, etc. on topics of Advaita, Nyāya, Vyakaraṇa,
> Dharma śāstra, etc.:  I have also indicated the languages in which they can
> be interacted with.
> Sarvaśrī:
>    1. Krishnamurti Sastrigal, Chennai: Sanskrit, English, Tamil.
>    2. Goda Venkatesa Sastrigal, Chennai: Sanskrit, English, Tamil and
>    Telugu.
>    3. Mani Dravid Sastrigal, Chennai: Sanskrit,Tamil and Hindi.
>    4. Maheswaran Nambutiri, Chennai: Sanskrit, Tamil and Malayalam
>    5. Vijayaraghava Sastrigal, Chennai: Sanskrit and Tamil
>    6. Subrahmanyam Korada, Hyderabad: Sanskrit, English and Telugu
>    7. Ganesha Ishwara Bhatta, Sringeri: Sanskrit, Kannada
>    8. M.L.Narasimha Murthy, Tirupati: Sanskrit, English and Kannada
>    9. Anantha Sharma Bhuvanagiri, Bengaluru: Sanskrit and Kannada
>    10. Rajaram Shukla, Varanasi:Advaita, Nyaya:  Sanskrit, Hindi and
> Marathi
>    11. Srihari Dhayagude, Chennai: Advaita, Nyaya: Sanskrit, Hindi and
>    Marathi
>    12. Dendukuri Narayana Sarma, (Andhra): Advaita, Nyaya, Shrouta,
>    etc.Sanskrit, Telugu
>    13. Anjaneyalu Sarma: Advaita, Vyakarana: Sanskrit, Telugu
>    14. Sripada Subrahmanyam Sastri: Advaita, Nyaya, Vyakarana: Sanskrit,
>    Telugu
> No.10 and 11 studied Advaitasiddhi under Sri Mani Dravid Sastrigal.
> Almost all of the above scholars participate in the Mahaganapati Vākyartha
> sadas at Sringeri every year.
> There are other scholars who may not be Advaitins but experts in Nyaya,
> Vyakarana, etc. residing in various locations. They too can be of use to
> genuine seekers.  For example, Sri Haridasa Bhattacharya, Sri
> D.Prahladachar, etc.(of Bengaluru) are Dvaitins but can teach/clarify
> doubts on Nyaya, etc. too.
> Those who wish to get in touch with them must follow the general rules of
> protocol, courtesy, etc. On first contact, introduce oneself in the proper
> manner, find out when on any day they can be contacted for such
> interactions and then proceed accordingly.  It is possible that they are
> already taking some classes online or in person and one can benefit from
> these.
> If anyone feels the clarifications, etc. on any topic will be of interest
> to the members of this forum, that can be shared here, without causing any
> damage to the stature of the scholars.
> I have with me the contact numbers of some of the above. Anyone truly
> interested can contact me by my private email. I shall make efforts to get
> the contact details of others.
> Members here may also add names/details of scholars to the above list which
> obviously is not exhaustive.
> regards
> subbu
> On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 8:55 AM, V Subrahmanian <v.subrahmanian at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Dear Friends,
> >
> > In our journey on the path of Vedānta the need for committed study has
> > been emphasized by the tradition handed down to us. The Upaniṣad itself
> > teaches śravaṇam, mananam and nididhyasanam based on authoritative
> sources.
> > It would benefit our quest much more if we, in the present day, inculcate
> > the practice of being in touch with noted scholars. There are quite a
> > number of such accomplished scholars today in India who are only too
> > willing to help us by clarifying doubts, guiding us with the proper
> texts,
> > etc. Even though some traditional scholars may not be very well versed in
> > English, yet they can in some or the other way establish a dialogue with
> us
> > if only we initiate it with them.
> >
> > Then, scholars there from all language backgrounds in India, both in the
> > South and in the North. Thus Sanskrit, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu,
> > Marathi, etc. can be employed to converse with them. With telephone and
> > email we can be in touch with them on topics of Vedanta, Samskrita,
> Nyaya,
> > etc.
> >
> > Just last week a friend of mine in Chennai spent hours over days with MM
> > Sri Krishnamurti Sastrigal, taking his help in making corrections to a
> book
> > the former has translated. Many others have consulted other scholars on
> > various such purposes and benefited from the treasure house of knowledge
> > that they are.
> >
> > I think we have to shed any inhibitions we might have and go all out to
> > make the best use of their rich resources.  We can collectively prepare a
> > list of such scholars and their contact details and make that available
> to
> > members.
> >
> > I request other members interested in this to come forward with whatever
> > information they have to make this initiative a workable one.
> >
> > Thanks and regards
> > subrahmanian.v
> >
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