[Advaita-l] Vaadiraaja Teertha's Yuktimallika - Advaita Criticism - Slokas 1-10 to 1-13

H S Chandramouli hschandramouli at gmail.com
Tue Jun 20 06:04:32 EDT 2017

My observations are perhaps more appropriate to the following  point
attributed to Sri Vadiraja

<< You are Candala,beast, Mleccha - flesh eating foreigner, thief,
debaucherous person - having illegitamate sex, donkey, monkey, son of
a prostitute, son of a widow and so on - all these abusive words used by
people. All these abusive words are aimed at Paramatma Himself because you
Advaiti is saying all Jeevas are not different from and same as Paramatma -
God. >>.



On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 2:13 PM, Venkatesh Murthy via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:

> Namaste
> Vaadiraaja has written Yuktimallika very proudly and this work is
> considered by Madhva scholars as his very best. It is superior in all
> respects than other books like Nyayaratnavali. In this book he has put up
> his best effort in his life.
> We can now see how he is criticizing Advaita.
> In the last Sloka 1-9 he is boasting Madhva Siddhanta came at the end of
> all Brahma Sutra Bhashyas. The Bauddha and Jaina Matas were Poorva Paksha
> for Advaita, Visistadvaita and so on. Madhva's BSB is the last written
> Sutra Bhashya. No other Bhashya is there after it. Therefore Madhva's BSB
> is the final Siddhanta of all philosophies.
> अन्ते सिद्धस्तु सिद्धान्तो मध्वस्यागम एव हि ।
> निर्णेतुं शक्यते युक्तायुक्तपक्षविमर्शिभिः ॥ १-९ गुणसौरभ
> The finally proved Philosophy is the Siddhanta. This is Madhva Mata only.
> This can be decided by scholars knowing the Yukta and Ayukta of philosophy.
> अस्मादुत्तरपक्षोऽन्यो यस्मान्नद्यापि दृश्यते ।
> तस्मात् स एव सिद्धान्त इति निश्चित्य चेतसा ॥ १-१०
> अवलम्ब्य मतं सर्वोन्नतं श्रुतिपुरस्कृतम् ।
> मयेत्थं युक्तिरुचिना क्रियते युक्तिमल्लिका ॥ १-११
> There is no other Brahma Sutra Bhashya coming after Madhva's Bhashya seen
> even today. Therefore Madhva Mata is the final Siddhanta and I have decided
> this in my mind. I am depending on this excellent and superior Mata
> agreeing with the Vedas and I am writing this YUKTIMALLIKA having interest
> in Logic and Reasoning in the said manner as before.
> Response - Final Brahma Sutra Bhashya is by Madhva is not correct because
> there are others like Gaudiya Bhashya. Another point is we can say Advaita
> was the final Siddhanta and others coming later were only challenging it.
> The later Bhashyas cannot become Siddhanta simply because they came later.
> The challenge to Advaita was unsuccessful.
> Then Vaadiraaja is immediately coming to attack Advaita.
> त्वं चण्डालः पशुर्म्लेच्छः चोरो जारः खरः कपिः ।
> कुण्डो गोलक इत्याद्या या निन्दा लोकसम्मताः ।
> ताः सर्वाः सर्वजीवैक्यवादे स्युर्हि परात्मनि ॥ १-१२
> You are Candala,beast, Mleccha - flesh eating foreigner, thief,
> debaucherous person - having illegitamate sex, donkey, monkey, son of
> a prostitute, son of a widow and so on - all these abusive words used by
> people. All these abusive words are aimed at Paramatma Himself because you
> Advaiti is saying all Jeevas are not different from and same as Paramatma -
> God.
> Here the Teekakaara is giving a Sloka. Who is Kunda? Who is Golaka ? Both
> are illegitimate sons but there is a difference.
> परदारेषु जायेते तौ सुतौ कुण्डगोलकौ ।
> पत्यौ जीवति कुण्डः स्यात् मृते भर्तरि गोलकः ॥ मनुः
> Sons illegitimately born in another man's wife are Kunda and
> Golaka. Illegitimate son born to another man's wife when her husband is
> living is Kunda. Illegitimate son born to a wife of a dead man is Golaka.
> ब्रह्मैव हीनयोनीस्ताः प्राप्य स्वेनैव कर्मणा ।
> संसरेच्चेदियं सर्वा गाली कस्य गले वद ॥ १-१३
> Because of His own sinful actions Brahman is born in sinful births and He
> is caught in Samsaara cycle of birth and death. If you accept this tell me
> who is the OBJECT of all Gaalis - abusive words? In whose neck will all the
> abusive words fall?
> Response - Simple answer is Advaitis accept Loka Vyavahaara. We cannot mix
> that with Paramartha Brahman and say all Jeevas are same. Therefore your
> bank account is my bank account, your wife is my wife, your site and house
> is my site and house because we are all same. No. This is not Advaita at
> all. The Sruti has said 'Yatra hi Dvaitamiva Bhavati Tad Itara Itaram
> Pashyati'. In LokaVyavahaara there will be Dvaita and Bheda also. The
> Candala, Mleccha, Jaara, Donkey, Monkey, Randaa Putra, Vidhava Putra are
> all different and not same. Paramatma is also different from them.
> Therefore abusive words will be for a particular person but not to
> Paramatma.
> Requesting scholars to kindly respond with more details and finer points.
> Regards
> -Venkatesh
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