[Advaita-l] shRShTi-dRShTi-vAda collapsed into dRShTi-sRShTi-vAda

Praveen R. Bhat bhatpraveen at gmail.com
Sun Jun 25 08:04:26 EDT 2017

Namaste Adityaji,

On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 3:30 PM, Aditya Kumar via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:

> But is eka jiva vada in vyavaharika or paramarthika level?

​All vAdas are in vyAvahArika only.​

Because in Paramartha, Jivo brahmaiva so only brahman is accepted.

​In pAramArthika, brahmaiva, there is no jIva or any second to even equate​

​to brahma.​ svapnavat, meaning like a dream, is the creation is an answer
to everything in vyavahArika. I understand your difficulty with dream,
which is responded to later in this post.

> But in vyavahara, how can eka jiva vada be proposed either logically or by
> support of shastras?

​It has been shown logically ​and even by support of shAstras in
Mandukyopanishad, especially in vaitathya and advaitaprakaraNa.

> Does this not go against the evidence what we have?
​The evidence
​we have is through the other five pramANas. They are themselves
insufficient ​for anything related to AtmA and a shabda pramANa is needed.
However, when rightly established, it doesn't go against logic.

> In drishti-sristi vada, I think perception itself is regarded as creation?

> Because creation requires power of ishwaratva/power of creation/lordship.

​he power is needed, but that it belongs only to Ishvara is not considered
as true in DSV. The AgamaprakaraNa of Mandukya doesn't make the jIveSha
bheda at all, it puts together samaShTi in vyAShTi itself. There are no
words such as Virat and Hiranyagarbha used there, but only vishva in waking
and taijasa in dream. However, Ishvara is mentioned by calling prAjna in
suShupty-avasthA as Ishvara. Bhashyakara uses this mantra-vAkya to mean
that the equality is also at the other two states between samaShTi and
vyaShTi. DSV doesn't use the prakriyA of creating the bheda and ​rejecting
it, but rejects the already perceived bheda by declaring it is imaginary.

> But I can't even create my dreams, much less the world/s.
​Thanks for bringing up another important objection to DSV, which is fairly
common which has the following thinking as its basis "I cannot dream *as I
like/ wish*". Now, for that to be correct, Ishvara should be the creator in
SDV as per His wish. However, it is not so either. Ishvara cannot create as
per his wish but in keeping with the saMskAras of the jIvas called the
samaShTi saMskAra, in which case, it is equally fair to say that the jIva
dreams as per his saMskAra without choice on what to dream. This is nothing
but sRShThi.
--Praveen R. Bhat
/* येनेदं सर्वं विजानाति, तं केन विजानीयात्। Through what should one know
That owing to which all this is known! [Br.Up. 4.5.15] */​

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