[Advaita-l] Fwd: Fwd: A question on PariNAma and vivarta

H S Chandramouli hschandramouli at gmail.com
Sun Mar 5 08:50:08 EST 2017

Namaste Sri Venkatraghavan Ji,

Reg  << So, taking these two as the definitions of vivarta and pariNAma,
where there is vivarta, there is pariNAma, whereas where there is pariNAma,
vivarta need not be there. >>,

They cannot be so defined. Rope-snake is an example for vivarta, there is
no parinama.

However I would prefer to have a verbatim translation of  the entire
passage which could then form the basis for the discussion. I am unable to
provide the same. Either you could do so or perhaps Sri Praveen Ji could
 Any other member also  is welcome to do so. If considered necessary, the
words vyapaka and vyapya could be just left as such or translated as
applicable in the context.

We could continue with the discussion following this.


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