[Advaita-l] Trimurtis are created of Pancha bhūta-s - Shankara
H S Chandramouli
hschandramouli at gmail.com
Mon Nov 27 06:03:36 EST 2017
> Namaste Raghav Ji and Subrahmanian Ji,
> Sorry for the delayed response. My Net connection was disrupted for the
> last few days (looks like it is going to be a regular feature for some more
> time ).
> Regarding Hiranyagarbha, in his Br Up Bhashya Vartika, Sri Sureswaracharya
> states that He is “born” from Iswara directly, ref verse 1-4-18. Also that
> Virat is “born” directly from Iswara, ref verse 1-4-19. (In this post I
> am just giving references to the verses quoted without copying them here.
> If anyone is interested in the actual verse, I will copy them in later
> posts). I will also give reference to another verse from the
> PanchIkaraNavArtika of Sri Sureswaracharya in support of this later in this
> post. With this I have nothing more to present concerning this issue.
> Reg ( Raghav Ji) << The question is - is kArya Brahman pAnchabhautika or
> not. (granting of course that svarUpatah hiranyagarbha is of course
> adamsAri)
> .when hiraNyaharbha is samAShti sukShmadehAbhimAni, aren't the powers of
> indriyas available to Him ? And such indriyas capacities imply a priori
> creation of tanmatras? >>,
> We may refer to the PanchIkaraNavArtika of Sri Sureswaracharya, verse 6,
> referred to by Subrahmanian Ji. Quote from his post
> << Later, in the same page are given the Vārtika verses of
> Sureshwaracharya. There the relevant verse is:
> शब्दस्पर्शरूपरसगन्धैः पञ्चगुणा मही | तेभ्यः समभवत्सूत्रं भूतं सर्वात्मकं
> महत् ||६||
> In the book 'Panchikaranam' published by Advaita Ashrama, on page 15 we
> have the relevant portion translated thus:
> // Out of all these subtle elements came into being the great, universal,
> all-pervading, called Sūtra.//
> A footnote no.2 on the same page says: Sūtra, the total vital force before
> manifestation is the soul that pervades the universe like a thread....It is
> also called 'Prāṇa' for having the power of activity. 'Hiraṇyagarbha' is
> its another name. .....
> Thus, we have pramāṇa from Shankara Himself and Sureshwara for the
> Hiranyagarbha being bhautika and created. >>
> I am using the commentary by Sri SSS in kannada “savArtikapanchIkaraNa”.
> Verse 36 of the same vArtika defines sUkshma sharIra as consisting of eight
> entities (puryashtaka) which includes the panchasUkshma bhUtas as one of
> the entities (This definition differs from the one normally adopted and
> which is also the one stated in the PanchIkarana moolam itself). Then the
> vArtika states in verse 38 that Hiranyagarbha is the Atman of this sUkshma
> sharIra. Being the Atman of the panchasUksma bhUtas, He cannot be “created”
> by them. The interpretation by Sri Ananthakrishna Shastrigal of the term
> “param” in Vedanta Paribhasha cited by me earlier
> << परमिति ॥ समष्ट्यात्मकमित्यर्थः । >> << paramiti ||
> samaShTyAtmakamityarthaH | >>
> is in line wih this.
> Reg ( Raghav Ji ) << A small digression -
> One last question is, Chandramouliji
> - when you say that avyAkRta with mAyopAdhi directly gives hiraNyagarbha,
> are you referring to triguNAtmikA mAyA? Can the guNas exist in isolation
> without any reference to the 5 elements? How? >>,
> I am referring to triguNAtmika mAyA only. It is certainly substantive. It
> is a vastu. Being the kAraNa vastu, there is no anomaly in considering that
> the guNas existing in the five elements exist in the kAraNa vastu, mayA.
> Another pending issue is concerning manas/indriyAs vis a vis panchabhUtAs.
> Which comes first and which later? Are manas/indriyAs bhautika or not? This
> is discussed in BSB 2-3-15. The Bhashya mentions that all combinations are
> found in different Upanishads and need not be a matter of concern. The
> issue is dealt with also in his introduction to Br Up by Sri SSS pp 18/19
> with lots of references to different Upanishadic statements in this regard,
> as also in the introduction to PrashnOpanishad wherein he has suggested his
> own samanvaya of the differences. Those interested may like to refer to
> these sources.
> Finally about the panchasUkshmabhUtas and linga/sUkshma sharIra. The
> sUkshma sharIra includes, apart from manas and indriyAs, vAsanAs and karma
> phalas also. They constitute part of mAyA or avyAkRta during pralaya,
> just prior to creation that we are concerned with in this discussion. BUBV
> 1-4-205 refers. The sUkshma sharIrAs are अनादि (anAdi). In my
> understanding the panchasUkshmabhUtas are सादि (sAdi) only. I have not
> come across anywhere statements to the contrary. (Nor of course have I
> come across any specific declarations that they are not anAdi). Hence while
> the panchasUkshmabhUtas can create manas/indriyAs independently, they
> cannot by themselves create the sUkshma sharIras. Hence both the
> sUkshmapanchabhUtas and the sUkshma sharIras have to be separately created
> by mAyA. This is what is stated in Vedanta Paribhasha also, cited by me
> earlier.
> This is my understanding.
> I hope I have covered all the issues.
> Regards
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