[Advaita-l] ***UNCHECKED*** Re: Re: Re: Re: Self-effort or Fate?

Belavadi Shankar shankarbelavadi5 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 20:35:41 EST 2017

According to the Law of Karma, any action we do has consequences and
we are responsible for that consequence. That consequence may be good
or bad; good consequence will bring us benefit and bad consequence will
punish us - in a nutshell. Now, my question is: do those actions we do as
a result of Duty or Dharma fall into this 'Law of Karma' category as i have
mentioned above?

On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 10:03 PM, Venkatesh Murthy via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:

> Namaste
> There are really only two Kartas in the world. Kaama and Krodha. They are
> Desire and Anger. The Gita has said -
> kama esa krodha esa
> rajo-guna-samudbhavah
> mahasano maha-papma
> viddhy enam iha vairinam
> In the Sandhya Vandana we pray to Kaama and Krodha so we can be free. They
> are making us to do actions. That is why we say Naaham Kartaa. I am not the
> Doer. Naaham Kaarayitaa. I am not causing another person to do also. Who is
> Kartaa and Kaarayitaa? It is Kaama and Krodha known as Manyu. Kaamah Kartaa
> Kaamah Kaarayitaa. Manyuh Kartaa Manyuh Kaarayitaa. They are the real
> Kartaa and Kaarayitaa.
> Sandhya Mantras are these -
> कामोऽकार्षीन्नमो नमः । कामोऽकार्शीत्कामः करोति नाहं
> करोमि कामः कर्ता
> नाहं कर्ता कामः कारयिता नाहं कारयिता एष ते काम
> कामाय स्वाहा ॥ १॥
> मन्युरकार्षीन्नमो नमः । मन्युरकार्षीन्मन्युः करोति नाहं
> करोमि मन्युः कर्ता नाहं कर्ता
> मन्युः कारयिता नाहं कारयिता एष ते मन्यो मन्यवे स्वाहा
> Someone may argue we are not doing all actions because of Desire and Anger.
> What about actions done as our Duty and Dharma? Are we not simply doing
> them with no Desire and Anger? No. In those actions also we have a Desire
> to follow Dharma. That Desire is causing us to follow Dharma and do those
> Dharmic actions. Otherwise we cannot do those actions.
> Therefore if all actions are done by Desire and Anger and not by the person
> himself how there is Free Will? There is no Free Will.
> What about other bad feelings like Lobha, Maatsarya and so on. They may be
> there but for actions finally they must end in a Desire to do action. If
> some person has Lobha or Greed he will Translate that Greed into Desire for
> Money. That Desire will make him to act and get more and more money.
> Even in the Mumukshutva there is a Desire for Liberation. That Desire is
> making a person to pursue Moksha. When he gets Moksha he will realize there
> is really no Bandha and No Moksha. This is showing Desire and Anger are not
> Satya. They are Maayaa only. Finally Maayaa is responsible for all actions
> of all people. Atma cannot perform actions.
> On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 6:58 PM, Praveen R. Bhat via Advaita-l <
> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
> > Sorry again, १.४.५५
> >
> > >
> > > Paninisutra १.१.४५: तत्प्रयोजको हेतुश्च।
> > >
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> --
> Regards
> -Venkatesh
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