[Advaita-l] Fwd: Brahmasootra Shaankara bhashya classes by Dr. Ganesh Ishwar Bhat

V Subrahmanian v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Fri Oct 13 10:40:09 EDT 2017

On Friday, October 13, 2017 at 7:56:37 PM UTC+5:30, Vishwanath Sunkasala 
> नमो विद्वद्भ्य:
> As you all know *The Brahmasootra* is one of the very important works of 
> Vedanta school. It is a known fact that the Brahmasutra illuminates by 
> Shree Shankaracharya's 'Prasanna - Gambheera Bhashya'.
> In the Brahmasutra, the first four Adhikaranas are called as 
> *Chatussootree*, which are the essence of the complete Brahmasootra. 
> Chatussootree has an Important bearing on the fundamental understanding of 
> the Brahmasootra. 
> There are plenty of the Brahmasootra bhashya books with commentaries are 
> available.  But the Audio/Videos of *Brahmasootra classes in Sanskrit* are 
> very rare.  Keeping this in mind, I have collected Brahmasootra Shaankara 
> Bhashya classes of a renowned scholar *Dr. Ganesh Ishwar Bhat* and uploaded 
> them into YouTube. I hope these classes will help Jijnasus and the students 
> of  Vedanta Shastra to understand the bhashya in an easy way. 
> The links of those classes are given below. Please go through the link and 
> share among the jijnasus.
> 1. अध्यासभाष्यम् -1
>  https://youtu.be/4IDG5loE70k
> 2. अध्यासभाष्यम् - 2
> https://youtu.be/j-sMzll5GmA
> 3. जिज्ञासाधिकरणम् -1 
> https://youtu.be/2gc-3ETcK7U
> 4. जिज्ञासाधिकरणम्-2
> https://youtu.be/Uf42Q4PqTXQ
> 5. जन्माद्यधिकरणम् 
> https://youtu.be/IwBXV_3gKi4
> 6. शास्त्रयोनित्वाधिकरणम् 
> https://youtu.be/mzq5nzgkspY
> 7. समन्वयाधिकरणम्- 1
> https://youtu.be/5_bPW0wcAfg
> 8.  समन्वयाधिकरणम्-2
> https://youtu.be/gwtCzbQk8Gg
> विद्वज्जनविधेय:
> विश्वनाथ हेगडे
> राष्ट्रियसंस्कृतसंस्थानम्
> एकलव्यपरिसर:
> अगरतला

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