[Advaita-l] Aradhana to my great grandfather's father who had taken jeev samadhi after becoming sanyasi. (fwd)

Siva Senani Nori sivasenani at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 15 04:32:27 EDT 2018

After Sri Ajit pointed out the Sankalpa, before looking up the Apastamba, I first consulted Dharmasindhu where it is clear that the last rites and paarvaNaSraaddha is described with sons in mind, and disciples as "also being allowed". Aaraadhana seems to be only for Guru. Closely related to Araadhana is the PaarvaNaSraaddha. Sons are primarily expected to perform the PaarvaNaSraadha, while it is "not necessary" for Disciples generally, but ordained in case the deceased Yati has no sons. So sons are expected to perform the PaarvaNaSraaddham. Regarding the adhikaarin for  Araadhana, there is nothing said. Since Araadhana has references to Paramaguru etc. rather than pitAmaha etc., and since it is clearly distinct from PaarvaNaSraaddha, it may be construed that it is to be done by Disciples. However what I missed out is that family members can also be disciples.Then, my earlier comment that Sishyas are the adhikaarins for Araadhana, not family members would have been better stated as "Sishyas perform Araadhana". My apologies to Sri Srinivasan Iyer for making such a rash statement, without checking the Sastra carefully. And thanks to Sri Ajit Krishnan for pointing it out.

My earlier observation was based on the following incident and the discussion that ensued. The Aradhana of the guru of my mother is performed by Sishyas with one Sishya taking the responsibility every year. When it was my mother's turn a couple of years back, it was performed in our home. By happenstance, the poorvaaSrama-grandson of the BrahmIbhoota yati (Sri Ramaananda Bhaarati Swami) lives in the same building as us. So we called them as well, along with a daughter of the BrahmeebhUta yati. On that day, when elders discussed the adhikaara, since it was pointed out that the Aaraadhana is being performed by Sishyas and not relatives, it was said that the reason must be that the Yati has given up his family.
I now see the fallacy in the thinking. The Sannyaasin, true, has no family - but from the point of view of the family, who are grihasthas and not yatis, they still maintain their ties to the person who has taken Sannyaasa, and hence they have to perform the vidhis for the yati as ordained for non-yatis. And hence, the duty to perform the PaarvaNaSraaddha reciting the gotranaamas. If they have the right and duty to perform a proper Sraaddha, what can deny them the right to perform Araadhana? May be they do not have a duty, but they do have the right, I would think.

RegardsN. Siva Senani

Here are the excerpts from Dharmasindhu (this is the last section, but one):
अथ मृतयतिसंस्कारः (Now, [the discussion on] Rites to be Performed for Dead Yatis)
पुत्रः शिष्यो वा स्नात्वा वपनं कृच्छ्रत्रयं चाधिकारार्थं कुर्यात्॥ (Son, or Disciple, having bathed and shaved may perform the triple kricchras for the sake of eligibility [to perform the rites])
.... अथ एकादशेऽहनि पार्वणश्राद्धम् ॥ (Now, the PaarvaNaSraadha to be Performed on the Eleventh Day)
तत्र मध्याह्ने नद्यादौ श्राद्धांगतिलतर्पणं कृत्वा देशकालौ स्मृत्वा प्राचीनावीती अमुकगोत्रस्यामुकशर्मणो ब्रह्मीभूतस्यास्मत्पितुः करिष्यमाणदर्शादिसर्वश्राद्धाधिकारार्थमाद्यपर्वणश्राद्धं करिष्ये इति पुत्रादिः संकल्पयेत्। (There, in madhyaahna, on riverbanks etc., having offered tilatarpaNam,  a constituent part of Sraaddha, having recited the place and time, [having become] a person with the sacred thread passing over the right shoulder (i.e. having shifted the sacred thread from left shoulder to the right shoulder), sons etc. should [recite] resolve: "for the sake of eligibility to perform all Sraadhas beginning with DarSaSraaddha of my father, named so-and-so Sarman, belonging to such-and-such gotra, who attained the state of Brahman, being performed today, I am going to perform the first ParvaNaSraaddha".
शिष्यस्तु ब्रह्मीभूतस्य गुरोः प्रत्यब्दादिश्राद्धाधिकारार्थं तत्पितृसम्बन्धिनामगोत्रोद्देश्यतासिद्ध्यर्थं च पार्वणश्राद्धमिति सङ्कल्पयेत्। (However the Disciple [who is intent on performing the rites] should resolve as: "for the sake of eligibility to perform the yearly Sraaddha of the Guru who attained the state of Brahman, and for the attainment of eligibility to refer to the name and gotra related to his father, [I am going to perform] the PaarvaNaSraaddha").
.... अथ द्वादशाहे त्रयोदशाहे वा यथाचारमाराधनम् । (Now, Aaraadahana on the Twelfth or Thirteenth Day as per Custom)
तत्र प्रयोगः। देशकालौ स्मृत्वा श्रीनारायणप्रीत्यर्थमाराधनं करिष्ये इति सङ्कल्प्य, गुर्वर्थे क्षणः कर्तव्यः। (The procedure, therein. Having remembered the place and time, having resolved to perform the Araadhana for the pleasure of Sri Narayana, KshaNa is to be performed for the sake of Guru). 
एवं परमगुर्वर्थे परमेष्ठिगुर्वर्थे परात्परगुर्वर्थे एवं विप्रचतुष्टयं निमन्त्र्य, शुक्ले केशवादिनामभिः कृष्णे सङ्कर्षणादिनामभिः द्वादशविप्रान्निमन्त्रयेत्॥ (Similarly, for the sake of Paramaguru (Guru's guru), ParameshThiguru (Paramaguru's guru) and Paraatparaguru (ParameshThiguru's guru) [kshaNa is to be performed] having similarly invited a quartet of Vipras (= a learned Brahmin), for the sake of the twelve names starting with KeSava in the bright fortnight, and for the sake of the twelve names starting with SankarshaNa in the dark fortnight, another twelve Vipras are to be invited.)
एवं षोडशविप्राः यतयो वा॥ अशक्तो यथाशक्ति विप्रान्निमन्त्र्य यथायथं षोडश क्षणाः देयाः॥ (In this manner, sixteen Vipras, or Yatis [are to be involved in the performance of the Araadhana]. Those who are not capable, having invited as many Vipras as they can, the sixteen KshaNas may be donated, as it is.)

षोडशानां पादक्षालनं कृत्वाचम्य पादक्षालनोदकं पात्रान्तरे गृहीत्वा गन्धपुष्पादिभिः पूजयेत्॥ (Having washed the feet of the sixteen, having sipped water [thrice], having collected the water used to wash the feet in a different vessel, [that water] may be worshipped with gandha, pushpa and others).

विप्रान्प्राङ् मुखानुदङ् मुखान्वोपवेश्य षोडशोपचारैर्गन्धादिपञ्चोपचारैर्वा सम्पूज्य, सपरिकरमन्नं परिविष्य गायत्र्या प्रोक्ष्य गुरवे इदमन्नं परिविष्टं परिवेक्ष्यमाणं चातृप्तेः स्वाहा हव्यं  न मम॥ (Having seated the Vipras facing East or North, having worshipped them well, using the sixteen upacaaras, or the five upacaaras starting with gandha, having served rice along with other dishes, having sprinkled water [on the served food] using the Gayatri [mantra], [the performer should recite:] "this food - already served and that which shall be served for the one not satiated - is the holy offering to the Guru, and is not mine, svaahaa").

एवं परमगुर्वादिभ्यः पञ्चदशभ्योऽन्नत्यागं कृत्वा ब्रह्मार्पणमित्यादिभुक्तेप्वाचान्तेषु ताम्बूलदक्षिणावस्त्रादिभिः पूजयेत्॥ (In a similar manner, having offered rice for the sake of the fifteen, [i.e.] Paramaguru and others, as the words "brahmaarpaNamidam" are uttered and the water to be offered at the end of Bhojana is offered, [the remaining fifteen] may be worshipped with taamboola, dakshiNaa (offering of money), money and others.)

... कर्मेश्वरार्पणं कृत्वा सुहृद् युतो भुञ्जीत॥ (Having offered the [result of] karma to ISvara, [the performer of the rite] may eat accompanied by his friends.)

वर्षपर्यन्तं प्रतिमासं मृततिथावेवमेवाराधनं कार्यम्॥ न तु प्रतिमासिकश्राद्धम्॥ (Upto one year, on the tithi of death, Araadhana may be performed in this manner every month, but not the praatimaasikaSraaddham).

प्रत्यब्दं तु पार्वणश्राद्धं कृत्वाराधनमपि कार्यम्॥  ततो दर्शमहालयादिश्राद्धान्यपि सर्वसाधारण्येन कार्याणि। न तत्र विशेषः॥ इत्याराधनविधिः॥ (However, every year, Araadhana should be performed after performing the PaarvaNaSraaddha. Thereafter, DarSaSraaddha, MahaalayaSraaddha and others may be performed as usual. There is no difference there. Thus ends the procedure of Araadhana).

.... पार्वणश्राद्धं त्वेकादशाहप्रत्यब्दयोरेव। तच्च पुत्रादीनामेव नियतं शिष्यादीनां तु नावश्यकम्। अपुत्रयतेस्तु शिष्येणापि प्रत्यब्दं पार्वणश्राद्धं कार्यम्॥ तदर्शं च नामगोत्रोल्लेखाधिकारार्थमेकादशेऽपि शिष्येण पार्वणश्राद्धं कार्यम्॥ (However, the ParvaaNaSraaddha [ought to be performed] only on the eleventh day and on every anniversary. That has to be regularly performed by sons and others; and is not necessary in the case of Disciples and others. In the case of a Yati without sons, the PaarvaNaSraaddha has to be performed by the Disciple every year. In order to do so, i.e to be eligible to recite the name and gotra [of the deceased], PaarvaNaSraaddham has to be performed by the Disciple also on the eleventh day.)


    On Saturday, 14 April, 2018, 11:38:53 PM IST, Siva Senani Nori via Advaita-l <advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:  
Thank you for the reference. I was speaking from observations. Let me check up Apastamba Sutra. 
Regards N Siva Senani 

  On Sat, 14 Apr 2018 at 11:33 PM, Ajit Krishnan<ajit.krishnan at gmail.com> wrote:  namaste,
> Aradhana is performed by Sishyas not family  members

Mutthu Shroutigal's 'apastamba shraddha prayoga' in grantha script has a section titled 'संन्यासिनामाराधनप्रयोगः'. It reads in part -- कर्ता शुचिराचम्य ... गोत्रस्य शर्मणः मम पितुः ब्रह्मीभूतस्य गुरोः आराधनाख्य कर्म करिष्ये. 

On Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 10:38 PM, Siva Senani Nori via Advaita-l <advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:

Aradhana is performed by Sishyas not family  members, for the Sannyaasin has given up his family. The kalpa for Aradhana is similar to Sraaddha, but with modifications. I have a kalpa in Telugu script, but our purohita is the one who officiates. If Sri Iyer can read Telugu, I can send it. Sishyas from the sampradaaya sit as bhoktas, from what I have seen.
Regards N Siva Senani 

  On Sat, 14 Apr 2018 at 10:09 AM, Jaldhar H. Vyas via Advaita-l<advaita-l at lists. advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:   Can anyone help Shri Iyer?  Please cc him on any responses.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Sir, please let me know what is Aradhana to an sanyasi? His grandson (ie) .
My father has performed gaya shraddam along with his brother.Now we being
the fourth generation is asked to perform Aradhana. please guide me and let
me know what & when to perform?  Srinivasan Iyer Surat Gujarat
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