[Advaita-l] Jagadguru Speaks: Contentment, Key to Happiness

S Jayanarayanan sjayana at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 8 23:55:23 EDT 2018

(Around the beginning of the month, a nugget of Wisdom from the Jagadguru may be posted
on the Chaturamnaya list :  http://lists.advaita-vedanta.org/cgi-bin/listinfo/chaturamnaya )
It is extremely important for man to control his mind and lead a
life of contentment and happiness. Not giving room to unwanted
desires is control of mind. Unwanted desires are those whose
fulfillment grants as neither contentment nor happiness and only
serves to inflict trouble on others.
We know from our experience that a disgruntled man, on account
of his own greed, suffers. Therefore, curbing desires under all
circumstances and living strictly in accordance with Dharma
(righteousness) will ensure that we, and others around us, live in
In the Mahabharata, an avaricious Duryodhana resorted to
Adharma (unrighteousness) and inflicted harm on others. That he
brought about his own destruction as a consequence is a known
fact. Similarly, even after repeated conquests of the world, Lord
Indra was never content.
A person, who is satisfied with whatever he has, will lead a happy
life without any worries, even though he may be poor.
  असन्तोषः परं दुःखं सन्तोषः परमं सुखम् |
  सुखार्थी पुरुषस्तस्मत् सन्तुष्टः सततं भवेत् ||
Our blessings for all to attain that contentment which is central to
obtaining happiness.

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